Disability Education Team

Greensborough College has established its first For Students, By Students disability advocacy group!  


The group's mission is to work collaboratively to create an inclusive school culture at the college where all students can experience success needed for a happy and healthy school experience.  


The team aims to meet its mission through whole school initiatives and events such as: 

  • Staff awareness – Student led workshops to raise awareness and understanding 
  • Student education – Connect and other whole school events to promote inclusion 
  • Bullying prevention – Implement processes to make reporting easier and safer 
  • Advocacy – Identify and address issues within the school, advocating for change as they arise. 

We welcome everyone, regardless of disability or involvement level. We understand that barriers can exist, you can be involved by: 

  • Coming along to our weekly meeting 
  • Join our Microsoft Team: Engage in discussions, contribute to projects, and access resources. 
  • Contact our support staff: Ms. Melia, Georgia, Mr. Harber, Mr. Turner, and Neo. 

Meetings are held every Wednesday at 1:45 in L3. 


All staff and students are welcome, whether you have a disability or are an ally! We welcome individuals with conditions like autism, ADHD, Tourette's syndrome, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, mental health concerns, and physical disabilities (and many many more). We understand that not everyone views their difference as a disability, we will always aim to use language that reflects the individual and/or the social model of disability*.   


*The social model of disability is an important way of perceiving inequality because it views disability as stemming from communities, services and spaces that are not accessible or inclusive. In the social model of disability, it is society that places limits on a person, not their disability. - Australian Federation of Disability Organisations 2021, Social model of disability, Melbourne, viewed 17 September 2021.