GC Pool Party

Pool Party Splash Spectacular 


The 2024 Greensborough College pool party kicked off on Wednesday January 31st with a splash. Students and staff dressed to impress as they made their way to the annual pool party event where school houses competed in a myriad of swimming events. 

Perhaps the most spectacular event of the day was the bombing competition whereby teachers and students competed to make the biggest splash in the pool. Anthony Elull certainly performed a nail biting bomb regaling the crowd with a huge splash. 


With the PE department leading the way in fashion, students followed suit with some great costumes including the Cat in the Hat (Daniel Shuttlewood) and a plethora of ballerinas scattered about the pool precinct all setting a great positive tone for a fun first week of term 1 in 2024.  

A high thanks to all staff who helped out on the day and to all students who attended. Students were brimming with excitement and they all showed incredible resilience and positivity on the day as they participated in various events and activities. 


Shane Maloney set an ambient atmosphere with his excellent DJ-ing skills and Kathy Berg spruiked the crowd with her brilliant MC-ing on the day. 

Plenty took out the annual House Swimming Cup ahead of Kalparrin, Cooper and Willinda.  


Overall, another great start to the year. Well done to everyone who joined in the fun!