Teaching & Learning News

Curriculum Committee Create a Vision for the Future 


The Curriculum Committee has had a productive start to the term setting a clear and concise vision for curriculum development in alignment with the 2024 Annual Implementation Plan at Greensborough College. During the first meeting of the term, Domain leaders collaborated to construct a clear vision for the innovation and design of curriculum delivering the following vision statement.  


"A collaboratively designed and consistently delivered quality curriculum that emphasizes innovation, engagement and meeting students at their point of need." -

 Curriculum Committee 


With this vision statement driving quality curriculum design at Greensborough College, the Curriculum Committee is working hard to ensure an Assessment Policy is formulated in Semester 1 to guide clear and consistent assessment submission processes across the College. The team has also discussed adding additional support and supervision in the Study Centre to encourage academic achievement and success across the College. 


In other news across the Teaching and Learning space, teachers across all subject areas have embarked on their first Professional Learning Community cycle of inquiry with Lisa Dunne at the helm. With an inquiry approach forming the foundation of this professional learning, staff have commenced gathering data to improve student learning outcomes across the board in a wide range of learning contexts. 


Overall, it has been a great start to the year in the Teaching and Learning space. Stay tuned for more news on our ongoing school initiatives including curriculum innovation, inclusion, data and professional learning communities. 


Kami Gillick-Lewis 

Curriculum Innovation