AGPS Fete 2025

This event is fast approaching and the fete committee are starting to get busy with implementing all our wonderful plans. Please ensure you have this date in your diary and tell everyone you know about it!
We are seeking sponsors for our school fete next year. If you run a business or work for an organisation that you think might consider sponsoring our fete, please email the fete committee on or alternatively pop in and see David to discuss. Plenty of opportunity for large and small organisations to get involved. Further details about sponsorship packages are listed below.
Please share and like our fete page to keep up to date with what is planned!
Donations for the Spinning Wheel are also required. If you have any suppliers of people's work (house cleaning/lawns mowed) or items that your work could donate (craft items/food etc) or if families would like to donate an item we would be greatly appreciative.
Please also note that we have an out of uniform day happening on Friday 29th November which will be a gold coin donation. Profits from this day will go towards expenses at our fete, in lieu of items needed for donations (e.g sauce and drinks). We hope that you will be able to support this event.
Please also share and like our fete page to keep up to date with what is planned!
Have a fab weekend!
Parents & Friends Committee
Fete Sponsorship
The AGPS Fete planning is in full swing and it is shaping up to be a wonderful event for our school and the wider community. This is a major fundraiser for our school and we are hoping to raise as much money as possible to improve our literacy and learning resources, ranging from books in our classrooms, to the learning environment and resources.
We have some great sponsorship packages on offer and would love your support to share this around to anyone who may be interested in becoming a sponsor of this event. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or know someone who is, please get in touch with me via the office of email