A Message from Parents & Friends

Hi everyone,
Fundraising Goal for 2024: big screen and speakers under Gumbuya
Well we’re here the final two weeks for the 2024 school term. What an amazing year it has been for all our wonderful events. Parents & Friends are so grateful for the support we receive in raising funds for our school. We think everyone is keen to have a new sound system under Gumbuya.
We thank you for your generosity and support in 2024 and whilst we haven’t finished the year, we’re delighted to tell you that our fundraising this year is at $28,000 and we’re still counting! Thank you to everyone who has make this happen - what a wonderful community we have!
We look forward to sharing the 2025 events schedule with you shortly!
It’s been another busy year and it continues to remain that way for Parents & Friends - here is what is happening.
Christmas Tarts - cancellation
Parents & Friends have made the decision this year to not run this fundraiser. There is so much going on (as you will see you read on) in all our families as we head to the end of the year. If the demand is there, we will bring it back next year!
End of Year Raffle
You should have by now received your raffle ticket book and if you haven’t, you might want to dig deep into the school bags! Tickets are $1 each and will be drawn on the 17th December at the end of year performances. There is a great mix of prizes this year:
End of Year Fun Day - 17th December
School will be hosting an end of year fun day on Tuesday 17th December. There are lots of activities on to entertain the children (and staff!), including soaking the teacher, tattoos, face-painting and guess the lolly jar.
Parents & Friends support this event by providing volunteers to help run these little areas:
School Cookbook (finally!!!!)
Thank you for your patience with this one! We’re delighted to say that order forms for the cookbook will have been sent home with your child. The book looks really fab and is being professionally printed.
A huge shout out to Daniel Almond, Stephanie Darrell and Laura Robinson for working on putting this together in between working and being parents and everything in between!
The books will be $20 and will be available for purchase soon, perfect for Christmas presents!
Free Dress Day - Friday 29 November
Thank you for all the wonderful gold coin donations. We received $469 towards the fete.
Parents & Friends Meetings
There are no further meetings for 2024. We would like to acknowledge all the contributions that have been made by those attending the meetings and organising the events. This group wouldn’t exist without you!