Mini School Updates

Junior School Update
Year 7 2025 Cohort Transition Day
This week, our Year 7 2025 cohort participated in the Statewide Transition Day. It was wonderful to see our new students stepping into their journey at our school with enthusiasm and excitement. Students participated in a range of classes and had the opportunity to meet their new classmates with new connections being formed throughout the day. The lunch time BBQ, basketball games and music were popular and created a great atmosphere in the courtyard. We commend students for doing such a great job of demonstrating our Lowanna College values and we look forward to getting to know you all better next year.
Year 8 Celebration Day
A small group of 2024 Year 8 students took on the adventure of a surfing lesson to end their time in Junior School. We had a fantastic time at Phillip Island, enjoying a day of surfing and beach games. It was a great way for students and staff to end their time together in Junior School. The Junior School Team would like to wish all of our students moving into Middle School the best of luck. We are excited to see them take on new opportunities and challenges in 2025.
Headstart Program
It has been fantastic to see our 2024 Year 7 students embracing Year 8 classes as part of the Headstart Program. Their eagerness to begin this new chapter sets a positive tone for the year ahead. Year 8 is an exciting time for our students where they begin to focus on the elective subjects that are of most interest to them. We look forward to seeing your academic and personal growth throughout next year.
Holiday Wishes
As the year comes to an end, we wish all of our families a happy and safe Christmas break. Thank you for being a valued part of our school community. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025!
Kristy Bannister
Junior School Leader
Middle School Update
The end of 2024 is quickly coming to an end, with Year 10’s completing their Middle School education and moving onto Senior School or in some cases employment. We wish you well with your future endeavours. To the 2024 Year 9 students, enjoy your break and return well rested and prepared for Year 10 2025 studies.
We would like to thank Year 10 students Brianna Leonard and Declan Osborne who filled the Middle School Captain roles with the assistance of Year 9 students Connie Pryor and Jake Keily. These roles included assisting with assemblies during the year and being the face of Middle School. We wish them well with their future and hope they take the opportunity to take on future leadership roles in the College and in the community.
Pictured below: Declan Osborne, Jake Keily, Connie Pryor and Mr. Daniel Board. Brianna Leonard absent.
Several Year 10 students chose to undertake a Year 11 subject as part of the fast-track program this year. This has given them a strong insight into the expectations of Senior School and provided them with tools to further prepare themselves in regard to their schooling future.
Throughout November, the Year 9 and 10 students completed their exams with almost 100% attendance. These exams will set all students up well going forward and introduced them to the expectations for future exams.
At the start of November 49 students and 5 staff headed off to the Gold Coast for the Middle School Camp. They enjoyed some very warm weather and had fun at the theme parks. For some students it was the first time on a plane which was a mixture of excitement and nerves.
We would like to congratulate the Middle School students who participated in the Nationals Basketball competition in Queensland earlier this month. The staff who attended had many positive comments on how well they conducted themselves whilst representing the school - this was lovely to hear.
It was pleasing to see that attendance during the two weeks of the Headstart Program was high and that students took this time to reflect upon their course selection for 2025. We would like to welcome the Year 8 students who have moved their lockers to Middle School and started their Year 9 classes. We wish them continued success in 2025.
During the End of Year program, we will be taking 20 of our Middle School students for a celebration excursion to Gumbuya World. We hope they have a great time. These students sometimes get overlooked as the quiet achievers and we would like them to know they are extremely valued.
Daniel Board
Middle School Leader
Senior School Update
Congratulations to all of our Year 11 and 12 students who have completed their formal end-of-year programs, assessments, and examinations for 2024! For our Year 11 students, the recently held exams provided valuable practice and an opportunity to refine their skills in preparation for Year 12. Senior School staff and supervisors were generally impressed by students' attendance, preparation, and behaviour throughout this period.
It was a privilege to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating class of 2024 at the Graduation Evening on Friday 22 November. This wonderful event allowed students to gather with family, friends, and staff to celebrate the completion of Year 12. For many students, their entire secondary school journey has been at Lowanna College, and during that time, each one has made a positive contribution — whether as student leaders, sports team members, or through the everyday friendships and interactions that enrich our school community. As a college, we are incredibly proud of you, your achievements, and the bright futures that lie ahead. We wish you all the best as you embark on this next chapter of your lives!
We were also pleased to see the enthusiasm with which students from all year levels have embraced the Headstart Program over the past fortnight. Advancing to the next year level is always exciting, particularly for those students who will join the Senior School as Year 11s in 2025. Despite the natural fatigue as the year comes to a close, students participated in Headstart with commitment and energy — a spirit we hope to see return at the beginning of the 2025 school year. Headstart gives students the chance to:
- Meet their new teachers.
- Understand the key skills and knowledge they need for each subject.
- Engage in formative learning activities that help teachers better understand them as learners.
As Senior School students, there will be holiday homework to complete over the break to ensure everyone is well-prepared for Term 1. For the large majority of Senior School subjects, access to booklisted items will be essential. Please ensure that these have been ordered for the start of the 2025 school year.
Semester Two school reports will be published soon and provide valuable feedback on your child’s learning. We encourage families to review these reports together, using them as an opportunity for reflection and identifying areas for future growth. We also look forward to recognising students who have demonstrated outstanding effort and results throughout the year at the Awards Evening on Wednesday 18 December. Celebrating students’ diligence, character, and achievements is one of the highlights of our role as educators.
On a final note, I wish the entire Lowanna College community a safe and happy holiday season. Enjoy the summer break, and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2025 — refreshed and ready for another exciting year!
Nicole Taylor
Senior School Leader