AAC / Communication

We are very excited to share our new outdoor communication board, which is located in the Early Years playground. This board contains 104 highly used single words that students can touch or point to, to support their communication when using this play ground area. Staff also use this board to model vocabulary when communicating and engaging with students in the playground. Smaller versions of this board are used within classrooms to assist students to learn where specific words are located and how to use the board when communicating with others. 

We plan to purchase more communication boards for other outdoor areas around the school. 


Elly, our speech therapist presented to families and carers at the Cuppa & Sip on the 30th of October. She shared examples of low technology Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) including Aided Language Displays and Core Word Boards that can be used in the home and school environments. Elly went through how low technology AAC can be used to support both students receptive and expressive communication. 

Our physiotherapists will be presenting at our next Cuppa & Sip on the 27th November, sharing ideas of how to support students gross motor.