Dates to remember

New event entries

All new entries each week are marked with two asterisks, which are then removed the following week.  This will save you looking through all the dates to try and work out what is new.


Tuesday 10 

Statewide Transition Day

Wednesday 11

Semester 2 Reports released on Compass

Thursday 12

**Gingerbread Morning Tea: order via Qkr!

**Kaboom Wellbeing Day

Friday 13

Second Hand Uniform Sale 2.45-3.30pm

Tuesday 17 

Grade 6 Graduation 5pm start, students arrive 4.45pm

Wednesday 18

Grade 5 excursion

Grade 6 MSAC

Friday 20 

Term 4 Ends 

Final assembly begins 1pm

Students dismissed at 1.30pm



Wednesday 29

Grades 1-6 students return to school

Thursday 30

Foundation students 9am - 1pm

Friday 31

Foundation students 9am - 1pm

 Term Dates 2025
Term 129 January - 4 April
Term 222 April – 4 July
Term 321 July - 19 September
Term 46 October - 19 December