Performing Arts

Narelle Vella
Performing Arts Coordinator
Step Right Up!
The students have been busily and excitedly rehearsing for our circus concert.
It has been a fabulous experience for all participants and they are looking forward to showcasing their new found skills on 19th November Cast A and 20th November Cast B.
Over the next week, your child's teacher will be asking you to send to school your child's / children's long black sleeved top, long black pants/leggings and slip on shoes, so that we have everything ready for the first dress rehearsal. For those people having difficulty sourcing long black tops, please consider asking someone from the other cast if your child can borrow from them.
Please make sure that everything is named, especially the shoes. Your child will probably be able to recognise their own footwear, but our Year 6 helpers will be putting the shoes (in their pairs) in the gymnasium wing ready for the students to put back on once they exit the stage, so naming them will make life a lot easier and quick for us to reunite any lost shoes with their owners.
On the day of the dress rehearsal, students will come to school in their uniform. They will change into their costume at school and then back into their uniform to go home.
On the night of the concert, students will change into their black clothing at school. Once they have performed, they can either stay in their black clothing or change back into whatever they came in. Your child's teacher may make that decision and it will also depend on how early or late they are performing in the program.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me via email or contact our lovely office staff who may also be able to assist you.
Thank you.