Important Notices

Eleanor Bryant
As communicated yesterday, this has been a very sad week at St Kilda Park due to the tragic accident at Riddells Creek on Monday which saw Eleanor Bryant, an ex-SKiPPS parent with strong connections within our community killed by a vehicle whilst protecting the lives of kindergarten children.
The loss of such a well-known and wonderful member of our community has been really difficult for many of our parents, students and staff members.
The media coverage over the last couple of days has done a great job of capturing what an amazing, positive person Eleanor was and also the brave and completely selfless way that she acted to save the lives of others.
Our hearts go out to her husband Tim and her children Tully and Charlie and also to her extended family and huge friend group who have been rocked by the news.
I am proud of the way that our community has supported each other this week to process this horrible news and I know members of our community have reached out to Tim to offer our condolences and support.
A reminder that, as always, we are committed to providing all of the support that we can for any students finding things tough this week. Please reach out to your child’s teachers, Michelle, Jac or myself if you feel that your child could benefit from some additional help.
We will keep the community updated on arrangements for Eleanor's funeral for any of our community members who are keen to pay their respects.
Transition Sessions
We are now into the second half of Term 4 and are well into our planning and preparation for 2025.
During the next few weeks students at all year levels F-5 (and our new 2025 Foundation students) will be taking part in three transition sessions.
These sessions are a chance for students to work in their 2025 year levels and for us to try different dynamics and groupings to ensure our classes for next year are a good balance of many different factors.
These sessions will be taking place from 9:30 - 10:40am on;
- Wednesday 20th November
- Wednesday 27th November
- Wednesday 4th December
Following these sessions we will finalise class groupings for 2025 and we will hold a final 'step-up' day on Friday 13th December. On this day all students in years 1-6 next year will find out their 2025 class group and their teacher. We will also welcome all new enrolments into the school on this day to connect with their new classmates and understand our routines a little better.
As we are moving to single year level classes next year (from our current composite structure), there are obviously fewer ways that students will be split up as there are only two groups (and so two options) at each year level. We have therefore made the decision not to collect a 'friendship list' from each student as a part of our work to create these groups. Instead teachers will use their own detailed knowledge of friendships and positive dynamics to ensure that we create groups with the best chance of success, both academically and socially next year.
If parents have any requests or wish to have any input about their child's class for next year - specific friends or dynamics that you would like us to bear in mind then feel free to email Neil on Please note we can't accept any requests for specific teachers.
School Saving Bonus - Update
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
From Tuesday 26 November 2024, you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus |
A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
Fountain in search of friends
A community petition is underway to restore one of St Kilda’s iconic public assets. The memorial fountain at O'Donnell Gardens in St Kilda (next to Luna Park) is frequently filthy and neglected but it’s in one of St Kilda’s most used public parks.
Petition seeks action
Fed up, a local has launched a petition to restore some civic pride to the historic landmark first unveiled in 1935, and hopes to prompt action by the incoming council.
If you’d like to support the campaign see the link below.
Petition to restore the fountain at O'Donnell Gardens in St Kilda (next to Luna Park).
Petition · Repair of the Edward O’Donnell Drinking Fountain - St Kilda, Australia ·