Uniform Shop
We are seeking volunteers to assist our Uniform Shop Manager, Sam, in selling uniform items to parents.
It is a great opportunity to meet other parents and contribute to the school community.
The shop is open Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. You may like to volunteer weekly, fornightly, monthly or, just do a one-off day - any help is appreciated! Standard shift is 8.15am-10.15am, however on quieter days a shift may only need to be 30-60 minutes.
Choose any day that suits you best and as many times throughout the semester that you wish to volunteer.
Please pop into the Uniform Shop and speak with Sam if you are interested to find out more.
Uniform Shop Information:
Our Uniform shop is open from 8:15 – 11:15am, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
You can also order at your convenience anytime through QuickCliq https://www.quickcliq.com.au/ and your order will be delivered to your child’s classroom.
Second hand uniforms
The uniform shop would love to receive any donations of used school uniforms that your children have grown out of. If you have any used school uniforms that are in good condition, please drop them in to the uniform shop.
Just a reminder that our Uniform Shop is cashless. Orders will still be available online through QuickCliq and EFTPOS facilities are still available in the uniform shop.
Registering to QuickCliq (one email address per registration)
Click on “Sign Up” (New Users) https://www.quickcliq.com.au/sign-up.aspx
Enter your details and click Finish
An activation link will be emailed to you, click to activate account
Log in to your account
Click Add Student and follow prompts
Click Add Credit (optional)
Ready to make an order