Outside School 

Hours Care at 


Ivanhoe Primary School

26/10/2023, Week 4, Term 4.

Wominjeka to OSHC at Ivanhoe Primary School!


We would like to begin by acknowledging the Wurrunjeri People of the Woi Wurrung people, past, present and future.

The custodians of the Birrarung Marr (Yarra River) and the land which we know, learn and play on, as Outside School Hours Care. 

                                                                                                                                                                                             Good Luck Tom! 


Our long term senior educator Tom F, has found himself an internship and will be finishing up his time at OSHC at the end of this week. 


Tom attended the program as a student at IPS and became a junior educator with us during his later years in high school.  Tom then moved up to the role of senior educator and has become a highly valued senior member of our team. 

Over the 8 years he has been working here, he has developed into a well-respected, dedicated, calm and considerate educator, who is always thinking of ways we can improve our practice to make each student’s time here enjoyable and engaging. He is always ready to help out his co-workers and is often referred to for feedback and ideas regarding a variety of program areas. 


Tom’s calm demeanor has been invaluable when it comes to teaching children team work and cooperation and is active in ensuring that all students feel safe and heard while here. 

While we are very sad to see him go, we know he is going on to achieve great things in his chosen field of Biomedical Engineering. From all the staff and students at OSHC we wish Tom, 'Good Luck!' and know he’ll back to visit very soon. 


The Great Aussie Bird Count 

Thanks to all the students that helped contribute to Citizen Sciences' The Great Aussie Bird Count. 


Here are OSHC's results:


Monday AM 20mins - 44 birds counted

Monday PM 20mind-101birds counted


Tuesday AM 20mins - 51birds counted

Tuesday PM 20mins - 38 birds counted


Wednesday AM 20 mins - 52 birds counted

Wednesday PM 20 mins - 21 birds counted


Thursday AM 20 mins- 70 birds counted

Thursday PM 20 mins- 31 birds counted


Friday AM 20 mins- 41 birds counted

Friday PM 20 mins- 29 birds counted


A total of 425 birds counted in 3.20 hours over one week.


Contributing to The Great Aussie Bird Count's total of 3,757,395 birds counted! Wednesday the 25th was the last day. 


The Children's Program


Before Care

The Great Aussie Bird Count, Chess, Hama Beads, Movie Making, Dress Ups,  Uno Flip,

Singing, Colouring in sheets of birds,(indigenous, some introduced species) Singing, Dancing and Reading.



The Great Aussie Bird Count, Snail racing, Chess, Boat races, Paper Plane Building, Cupcake baking, Cricket, Tennis, Shimmer Rainbow paper Mosaics on Upcycled Placemats and Colouring in sheets of birds.,(indigenous, some introduced species) Singing, Dancing, LEGO Duplo and Reading.


I am wanting to do some paper making again soon, when it warms up a bit. I have 2 deckle boards, would anyone out there have done paper making before like to help? 

Or if you have any ideas for recycling woodworking ideas or old art and craft materials for OSHC give us a call or email us. iposhc@ivanhoeps.vic.gov.au  and phone: 9499 5226


FOR FAIR, please if you can, give us your time during the Fair, helping to sell the curries. 

Or can you help out before hand? 

This is during the week, week 8, before the 25th November. 



Please see Sarah to add yourself to either the:


Cooking Roster, 1 hour between 9:30-10:30 am Monday to Friday, 


Fair day, 1 hour between 12pm to 5 pm.




Will are still accepting bags of Basmati and Frozen peas, Please!

So far we have 4 bags of Basmati Rice and 4 bags of frozen peas.


Thanks you so much to those who have contributed so far!


See you soon everyone, 


'Triganin Thomas Faulder, congratulations on your Internment ship, engineer something cool for OSHC ok?!' from Lexi 


'Triganin' is the Woiwurrung and Boon Wurrung closet word for goodbye.

'Triganin' really means ‘I go, but will come back.’ (Murrundindi)