
STRING NEWS - updated

Year 6 String players visit Yr1

On Monday 23rd October, two Year 6 string players, Noah (violin) and Julia (cello), visited 1/2K and 1D during their music lessons to talk about learning a string instrument and being part of the IPS String Program. The younger students could see and hear the violin and the cello being played up close and talk to Noah and Julia about their string playing experiences so far.


Reasons put forward for learning an instrument:

  • It’s something else you have as part of your life
  • It’s a good challenge
  • You can express your emotions
  • You can join groups with other people
  • You can make friends with people in other years
  • You can play in concerts
  • It’s really hard and when you keep going with it, you feel proud
  • When you can play a piece really well, you can play it for other people and they think you are really good.

1R and 1 G will have a visit from some string players on Thursday 26th Oct.

Playing together is an important part of the IPS String Program, promoting fun and awareness of others. Our main pathway is children starting violin or cello in the Start Up Strings in Year 2 where they have 2 group lessons per week for the first three terms. In Term 4, they move to 1 group lesson per week and 1 individual lesson per week. Later on, students progress to the Corelli Strings and then to the Orchestra.

If your child interested in learning violin or cello as part of Start Up Strings 2024, please register your interest by emailing the Strings Co-ordinator, Margaret Butcher

Summer Strings Celebration Concert

Tuesday 28th November, 2023


IPS Hall

Start Up Strings, Corelli Strings and Orchestra performing

Entry by donation


From Margaret and the Strings team