From the Principal

World Teachers Day 27th October

Curriculum Day - Monday 6th November - (Students do not attend school)

Working Bee - Saturday  11th November - (1pm - 3pm)

Year 4 Alexandra Adventure Camp 13/11-15/11/2023

School Fair 25th of November

Welcome to Ivanhoe Primary School, 


Let me tell you a story about Eileen “Binny” Fraser an IPS student who graduated 100 years ago.

A woman named Raylene rang me yesterday  to say she was in possession of a 1923 DUX of the School medal awarded to Eileen Fraser who had been a student at Ivanhoe Primary School. 


Raylene was visiting with her aunt, Mrs Audrey Kelly, a 96-year-old living in Bundoora who had inherited the award from Eileen’s sister, Jesse Rowe who had passed away in 1999. 


Mrs Audrey Kelly knew the Waterdale road school turned one hundred this year having been built a century ago. In fact, in the same year Eileen was awarded DUX of the Year 8 Girls. 


DUX (a Latin word) is a title given to the highest-ranking student in academic, arts or sporting achievement in a graduating year. 


Here it is appropriate to reflect on the value we place on doing our best, trying our hardest, rewarding effort and recognising talent. At IPS we do this through assemblies, at Stars of the Week, class showcases, sometimes simply through the smallest praise in class, a kind word or a pat on the back. We encourage each other to be our best selves, acknowledging that it is okay to make mistakes so long as we learn from them. 


I ask you why a 96-year-old woman, who inherited an award 24 years ago that belonged to a Ivanhoe Primary School student, who received it in 1923 would think to return it to our school after all those years? 


I think it has a lot to do with acknowledging  the importance of school and community. Perhaps all the values we hold dear now are not dissimilar from what was valued 100 hundred years ago.


Mrs Audrey Kelly asked Raylene to gift the DUX of  School Award to Ivanhoe Primary School. 



It was my absolute pleasure to sit with Raylene and hear some of the history of this award and to share it with you.  These are her words and not mine.


Eileen Fraser, nicknamed “Binny”  became a teacher very young and reluctantly took on a country posting in Nyah West. She was reluctant because she was very shy and did not know anyone in the area. However, Eileen’s dad said she had to go and "do the right thing". 


So Eileen went to live at Nyah West,  which is a town in Victoria near the Murray River on the border with New South Wales. She boarded with a woman who had six children. 


Eileen taught in that area for several years before returning to live on Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe, above her dads’ bootmaker shop where the family lived upstairs.


Eileen had an older sister named Lillian Fraser, who became the Head Mistress of Briar Hill Primary School which still stands today.


Eileen and Lillian had an older sister called Elsie who worked in the family shoe repair business in Ivanhoe and a younger sister Jesse. Jesse married Clarrie Rowe who was a racehorse trainer who died in the late 90s. Clarrie lost a leg in a fall from a horse after which he wrote a book called “The Saddle on the Wall” and later donated land in Greensborough to the Disability Riders Association in the late 1990s.


For a while the entire family lived above the Bootmaker / Shoe Repair Shop on Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe in the 1930s.  


Sister Elsie, worked in the shop and befriended Mrs Audrey Kelly,  Raylene’s “Auntie Aide”. Audrey who was about 12 years old (74 years ago) describes Mr Fraser, the bootmaker, as a very nice kind man. 


Mr Fraser  later sold the shop and moved to Cape Street Heidelberg, where he lived until he died. After which, Mrs Fraser and Eileen moved to Eaglemont. 


Eileen, the DUX of IPS Year 8 girls became a teacher, like her sister Lillian, and sadly passed away at the age of 28. 


Raylene concluded our visit by saying "...the rest is history".


How lovely that Eileen’s prized award has found its way back to IPS a hundred years after it was given. We intend to frame it and hang it in the foyer in recognition of a valued star of Ivanhoe Primary School.


To our students. 


If you would like to join me in writing a letter to Mrs Audrey Kelly describing our wonderful school and what we like best about it, or just a note to wish her well and tell her something about yourself – with a picture -  I intend to deliver our thanks in person on the 11th of November. I get the feeling she would love to read something from you. Come a share your letter and/or drawing with me next week and i'll make sure it gets to her.

"Smart" watches

While it is wonderful to see students wearing watches, it is apparent that some of these are "smart" watches can be used to make mobile calls. We have been advised that some children have been using their watches to make calls during school time. The Department of Education is quite clear on their mobile phone (and devices) policy. Smart watches must have their capicity to make calls switched off (similar to flight mode) or not be brought to school.


There are three categories of exceptions (relating to phones / devices). They are:

  1. learning-related, 
  2. health and wellbeing-related, including:
    (Example: A student with diabetes may use their mobile device to monitor their blood sugar and the administration of insulin)
  3. risk related.



Please help your child set their device so that they are not inadvertently breaking the rule.


Students from our school have recently undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy.


The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education.


To assist families and schools in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government contributed funding of $45 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the camp and was factored into the cost of attending the camp.

2023 Teacher Appreciation Day

In Victoria, we celebrate World Teachers' Day on 27 October 2023. It is a chance to recognise and celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made, an impact in our lives. At IPS we go one step further and thank all our staff for the difference they make.

Please join me in recognising their work and the significant contribution they make to the community.

2024 Classes

Teachers work on the very complex task of creating classes.  Teachers and education support staff have input into how classes are made up, taking into consideration students telling us who they work well with in the classroom.  That information, along with information from reports etc, ensure classes are inclusive and fair.


We have highly skilled, passionate and professional teachers who care about student learning and wellbeing.  Whilst we understand that parents know their children, we do ask you to trust in our professional expertise.  We therefore cannot take requests for particular teachers, but please rest assured that we all work together so that each and every child gets the best possible placement.

FAIR Update


Get the kids active and helping to spread the word - we need postcards delivered around the area over the weekend of the 10th, 11th, 12th November. 

Postcards can be collected from the school office before school or after school on Friday 10th November. 


Our biennial IPS Fair is on 25th of November (from 12pm-5.30pm) - please put this date in your calendars. This is our major fundraiser, and it plays a pivotal role in supporting various academic and extracurricular programs for your children, so there is an expectation that your family will get involved in some way.

Here are some options below;- the Silent Auction is probably the biggest fundraiser at the Fair. If a business or organisation you have a relationship with has goods or services we can auction off in our Silent Auction, we would love to hear from you. 


Please contact the Fair Committee ( with a description and value of the donated goods/services, specific conditions and/or dates (note that vouchers should be valid for 6 months from the Fair date), and where applicable, pick-up arrangements- if you would personally like to donate cash, contact the Fair Committee ( 


Rest assured the funds will be allocated wisely towards ensuring our IPS Fair is a roaring success- each class at school is running a stall. 

Put your name down with your Class Rep to help out beforehand and at your stall on the day of the Fair.

- each class is also required to do a piece of class art to auction off at the Silent Auction so we need helpers to assist with running this (again, see your Class Rep for more details)

- required donations of*good quality 2nd hand books (to be left at school in the hallway outside the Staffroom in the main brick building)

*good quality and clean 2nd hand toys (to be left at the School Office). 

No soft toys please


*good quality and clean 2nd hand bric-a-brac items (to be left at the School Office). Examples include crockery, pictures, ornaments, arts & crafts, jewellery, DVDs, vintage records, tools


We hope that you will take this opportunity to support our school and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students.


Andrea Thomas

Fair Co-ordinator


Many in our school community are affected by the devastating events in the Middle East. All of us are upset and disturbed by the awful events depicted in media footage and images. This time is particularly distressing for staff, students, families, and carers who have family and friends in Israel and Gaza.  


We are also aware that students of diverse backgrounds, including Jewish and Muslim students, may be significantly affected by public events, mainstream media coverage and social media at this time. 


Please be assured that all staff are aware of the extreme emotional toll on many in our community at this time. But please also feel free to get in contact with any of the staff at our school if you would like to ensure we are aware of what your child is going through at this time. 


Our staff will continue doing all they can to support all our students, and support is also available for our staff. I also want to assure you that the department is monitoring the situation from a school security perspective, and have advised there is no further action we need to take at this stage. 


It is possible that extremely distressing scenes from the conflict may be posted online in coming days. Please ensure your children are aware of where they can find support in the event they come across such images. 


At our school, this includes your child’s teacher, Mrs Wright or myself who can be reached at or phone us on 9499 1880. 


You may find some aspects of this resource helpful:

 Support is also available through external services including:


Mark Kent
