Parking and Pick-up & Drop-off Guide
Important information from the Ranger
Rangers have noticed in the past that parents or caregivers have been queuing on the north side of road where the school crossing is for up to 20 minutes. This causes a hazardous bottleneck and has resulted in several near misses when kids have been crossing at the school crossing area.
Please refer to the diagram below on correct way to approach the Mooro Drive entrance. By queuing up in an orderly fashion on the south side of Mooro Dr, this allows for the Traffic Warden to safely operate the crossing and allow for children to safely cross the street.
You will notice that cones will be placed to discourage left hand turns into the pickup area.
There is ample parking on nearby streets or reserves. Going forward Rangers may issue infringements to vehicles stopping and queuing on the No Stopping yellow lines.
Being mindful of our neighbours
Students and parents are reminded to be courteous to and considerate of our neighbours when driving or parking in streets surrounding the College. Recently it has been noted that vehicles are parking in the ‘no parking’ area along Abbey Garden, which creates concern for residents regarding the safety of students and other pedestrians. Students and parents should use the parking or drive-through facilities available on campus.
Parking at the College
- Student parking is located at the back of the ovals, and access is via the slip road near the Grounds and Maintenance facility.
- Secondary drop off and pick up is via the car park accessed off John XXIII Avenue.
- Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary parking is available in the Early Year’s carpark off John XXIII Avenue
- Primary (Years 1-6) drop off and pick up is via the Mooro Drive loop. It is expected that this loop will be for the sole use of parents with Primary students.
- Staff parking is located near A block and in the main carpark off John XXIII Avenue.
Refer to the attached map.
Help the flow and improve safety
Please drive carefully and slowly whilst in a school zone.
The beginning and end of the school day are busy times for pedestrians and drivers outside our school campus. You can help keep students safe by remembering the following:
- Slow down around the College and drive safely.
- Be aware, be courteous and be responsible.
- Please use the John XXIII College carparks only. We need to respect our neighbours. Parking, even if for five minutes during morning or afternoon pick-up, is causing inconvenience.
- Drop your child off and pick them up in designated pick-up areas (see above for further details).
- Always take extra care in 40km school zones.
- Observe and adhere to all regulatory signage and follow all parking signs – this helps keep your child as safe as possible.
- Never double park - it is illegal and puts children at risk.
- Model safe and considerate pedestrian and driver behaviours.
- Always give way to pedestrians, particularly when entering and leaving driveways.
- Vehicles on the College campus must be parked within marked bays at all times.
- Vehicles may not park in no parking areas, no stopping areas, access ways or any area not officially set aside for parking, including verges, gardens and pathways.
Pick-up and drop-off guide
The pick-up and drop off guide for the College are as follows:
The Loop (Mooro Drive)
- Available for morning drop-off and pick-up for Years 1-6 students.
- Please have your surname sign displayed on your dashboard.
- Teaching staff operate the loop for the afternoon pickup between 3:15pm and 3:30pm.
The Loop's Rules - Morning
- Please drive all the way to the bottom of the loop
- For safety, have your child exit from the non-driver (left) side of the vehicle.
The Loop's Rules - Afternoon
- Please do not arrive until after 3:10pm. If your child takes a little while to walk to the loop, then perhaps arrive even a bit later.
- Try to keep Mooro Drive flowing:
- Be easy to spot: Have your surname sign displayed on your dashboard. The teachers will then call your child/children, ready for your approach.
- Keep it moving: If your child isn't yet at the loop, please 'keep looping'. This allows other parents (with children who are ready) to start picking up. Handy tip: If your child takes a little while to walk to the loop, then perhaps arrive a bit later. A teacher is on duty until 3:30pm
- Keep it safe: Once you have stopped in front of the building, please stay in your vehicle. Staff will help your child get into your car safely, from the non-driver side.