Curriculum Matters 

Level 4

The Level 4’s have been busy identifying, measuring and drawing angles during maths lessons. We have learnt how to use a protractor and particularly enjoyed doing some angle ‘graffiti’ on our tables!

We have finished up an author study on Jeannie Baker and have begun a new study on Coral Vass- who will be visiting us later in the term to run some writing workshops.

The nicer term 4 weather means we are back into our Level 4 sport! 

We are having a go at some of the sports we may play during interschool sport in the future. Bradman and Perkins tried out Hot Shots Tennis and Volleystars while Fraser and Freeman played each other in Rounders.

Level 5

The Level 5 students have been working on Budgets during Numeracy over the last 2 weeks. 

They were given a certain amount of money and had to organise, prepare, shop and make their own group lunch.  It was a fantastic experience and the students learnt a lot about how to manage money.