ELC News 

Term 4 ELC excursions

Lyn Pewtress, ELC Director 

Excursions and regular outings are part of our educational early childhood program and provide rich learning opportunities for children to explore the wider community and reinforce their knowledge about a current inquiry. 


These excursions provide hands-on experiences, enhancing each child’s sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around them. 

This term, both three-year-old and four-year-old programs participated in excursions. 


The four-year-olds visited the zoo following their inquiry into 'animals in the wild', with a focus on endangered species. 


The three-year-old groups visited Chesterfield Farm to learn about farm animals, their connection to food source, and the land.   

Thank you to all the families who assisted us, enabling us to participate in these wonderful learning opportunities.