Year 4/5/6 B

That's a Wrap!
Last week we had our whole school production. Each class had a book that they performed a song in and some even had speaking roles. Here is what some people thought of it.
Ryan thought “It was well acted and well scripted. I enjoyed singing Just Eat as a class song. I think it was great how there were barely any mistakes.”
Chan said “It was really good and very busy when we were performing.”
Frankie enjoyed it and said “It was so good and acting with my friends was so much fun and that I would love to do it again. I think that everyone did a very fantastic job . I loved being the narrator and dancing was so much fun, and I loved having a solo in the chorus. I hope everyone in the audience enjoyed watching the show."
Thank you to all teachers and St. Mary's families who contributed to make 2023 production such a success.