Year 3

Grade 3 News
What a busy week and a half! The grade 3 students, along with all the other students in the school, put in an amazing effort to prepare, rehearse and perform in the school production “Book Magic” last week! They demonstrated great persistence and resilience and this was rewarded in their performance and the response of the audience! It was amazing to be able to support the students back stage as well as watch them as an audience member!
Following the big production day, the class wrote a poem of their choice on the theme of the production. We had a variety of haiku, cinquain, acrostic and free verse poems. It is so wonderful to observe the students’ growing writing skills!
Recently the class was asked to select one or more of their poems written this term to edit and publish. We have made a class display which is now growing due to the eagerness of our poets!
The students will also be taking home a class book of poems later this term!
Here is a selection of these poems. Enjoy!
This week in numeracy we have been focussing on odd and even numbers. We came up with a clever way to define a number as odd or even-if it can be split in half its even! We have investigated the results of performing different equations for example odd + odd=?, odd + even=?, even + even=?, odd x odd =?, odd x even =?, even x even =? Try these at home with your child! We have also been continuing to practise our times tables!
In our topic of Sustainability we recapped some of our learning-discussing what is sustainability?, why it is important and what we can do to help! We have also been finishing off preparing small role plays in groups demonstrating the 5 r’s of reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink and refuse. We are presenting these to the class next Monday! It’s been a great opportunity to practise our cooperation and collaborative skills.
We all enjoy our weekly Wednesday afternoon visit to the school library where we can return books, select new books to borrow for our class reading tubs and then sit and read either independently or share a book with a classmate!
Each morning we gather together in a circle as a class around our prayer mat. We share a prayer. It is beautiful to hear the students’ thoughtful prayers as we start the day!
We also take this time to discuss what is happening at school for that day and any questions we may have.
We’ve been busy this short school week preparing for our Friday assembly! It’s so great to observe the students’ eagerness to share their learning!