Year 1/2

Its been a yet another busy week in the 1/2 classroom. Students thoroughly enjoyed themselves by performing for their best audience - their parents and friends.
To wind down from a big week, we had calming and fun tasks for the remainder of last week like reading our favourite books, shape transformation for Numera and even a visit from a few classic Austin seven cars. We learnt about these cars from their owners and their designs and historical significance.
We wrapped up our unit on Poetry and published our poems and have now begun our final text type unit for the year - Persuasive Writing.
Students have been writing lists of what they would do if they had all the money in the world and then convincing the teachers why those ideas are the best for them by giving each argument a reason.
During our R.E. session, we read the book 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?'byCarol McCloud. We discussed what the book meant for us and wrote down a idea each for us to practice at school and at home that would fill others buckets and in turn our own bucket over the next few weeks. Rereading this book at home and unpacking its detail with the family could be a special after school or weekend activity.
We have all been enjoying this beautiful spring weather and having lots of great times in the yard with our friends during play time. Some of us like playing soccer on the oval, developing our gross motor skills on the monkey bars and others like to engage in sensory play under the shade. We also have a few helpers that regularly check on our chickens, keep them company and collect eggs.