News and events around school

a window into what happens around JMSS

Year 11 Psychology trip to the NGV

Enthusiastic year 11 Psychology students embarked on an enriching excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to explore the captivating world of visual perception through classic artworks as part of their exam revision. This excursion was a unique opportunity for our students to bridge the gap between theory and real-world application as they examined how the brain interprets visual stimuli, a key component of their psychology curriculum.


The NGV educators and staff were fantastic in facilitating our students' learning experience. They guided the group through interactive discussions and thought-provoking activities, such as working in small groups to analyse pieces from the NGV collection and present to the rest of the excursion group what visual perception principles could be found in the work.


Our Year 11 Psychology students returned to school with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of visual perception and a broader perspective on the role of classic art in understanding the human mind. We hope this experience will inspire them in their academic pursuits and encourage a lifelong love for the arts and psychology.


We thank the NGV staff for their warm welcome and enlightening educational support.



~ Jessica Perry