Be Wise, Be Kind Day
On Monday the 16th of October, Amy Williams, a representative from Dolly’s Dream, came to speak to the Year 9 and 10 students about the importance and awareness of bullying and depression. We learnt about how to change the culture of bullying and address the impact it has on the environments around us. It was a good opportunity for each of us to learn about the strategies and tips we can use to prevent and reduce the impact of bullying and other issues presently affecting teens and young adults.
Annie Kehoe, Year 9
On Monday the 16th of October, the Year 9 and 10 students had the privilege of participating in the Be Wise, Be Kind Day, which focused on issues facing teens our age.
The day began with a presentation from Amy at Dolly's Dream, who informed us about the importance and the effects of online bullying. The following session was presented by the Pat Cronin Foundation and shared a video about Pat's story. This gave us an insight into what the coward punch is and the emotional and physical effects that this type of violence can cause, not only for the victims but also their families.
Following the two presentations, we had an Alumni session with Mitch Perryman, who shared snippits of his life and how he worked his way up through the hospitality industry. He showed us that there are a million possibilities awaiting us when we finish school.
After a delicious lunch of pizza, we finished the day off with some teambuilding activities in the gym, which was the perfect end to the day. On behalf of the Middle Years cohort, I would like to thank Ms McGinty, Jackie and Shiona for organising and bringing the day together.
Lochlan Welsh, Year 10