School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school

Mixed Media Art

Foundation/1 have been exploring mixed media visual art by combining collage of natural and processed materials, combined with painting and stenciling to create works of art with depth and texture. 

Data Representation and Interpretation

Students have been working on collecting and interpreting data with a specific focus on creating picture graphs, bar graphs and histograms. Students particularly enjoy creating their own questions and gathering data from their peers. 

Bake Sale Buddies

During our buddy session last week students measured, mixed and baked some yummy treats for our bake sale held last Saturday. Our bake sale goal was to raise money for soccer nets, a need identified by our students. Students always look forward to buddy sessions and this was a particularly engaging session. 


Year 5 & 6 news

Making electricity

Fire up the capacitors, get out the Multimeters, electricity is being made! 

Students used copper wire and magnets to conduct electricity to make generators, so that the multimeter could read how much electricity was made.


Here some of our students have taken a Rich Maths task and expanded it across the whole board! A huge amount of learning demonstrated and explained to the class.