Sacred Heart Happenings

Jump Rope For Heart
We’re skipping through the term!
Jump Rope for Heart is well underway and it’s great to see so many children out in the playground skipping with smiles on their faces. Sacred Heart School has already raised $4,678.00 !! Amazing effort from the cherubs and their families.
It’s not long until our Jump Off Day on Tuesday 21st November so keep on practicing those tricks! And don’t forget to share your online fundraising page with friends and family to raise money for a great cause! We have 29 students signed up. Still need to sign up online? It’s easy just follow this link and enter your details.
P.s Don’t forget our skipping goal of 100 hours! Currently, we’ve completed 55 hours. Only 45 hours to go!
School camp
Last week Year's 3,4 were able to go on a wonderful experience at Howmans Gap. They got to get strapped up in harnesses, and pulled up really high until they pulled a rip cord, and went flying down in between two poles. They called it the giant swing. It was one of my favorite activities. The instructor’s were really nice too, Their names were Tristan and Ella. I loved breakfast. It was egg and bacon on toast.
We had a wonderful time.
Pippa Faithfull. Year 4
School Camp
Last week Years 3,4 from Sacred Heart went on an incredible journey at Howmans Gap. Our instructors Ella and Tristan took us on an amazing trail of fun. We did high ropes,wall climbing, giant swing and challenging trails. Every activity challenged us to do our best and face our fears. I would have to say wall climbing and giant swing would have to be my favorite because, I tried new things and challenged myself to go out of my comfort zone. For dinner we had roast pork, Cesar salad ,potato and gravy. Breakfast was eggs, toast and cereal, the food was amazing. I definitely recommend coming here for school Camp.
Liv Nagy. Year 4
School Camp
Years 3,4 were lucky enough to go on camp to Howmans Gap. We had a long bus trip up but it was fun. We got to Howmans Gap and our instructors were Ella and Tristan.
Our first activities were the High Ropes and Challenge Trails. For dinner we had roast pork and for breakfast we had eggs and bacon. My favourite thing was the big swing. You go connected by ropes and your friends would pull the rope and you pulled a rope that released you to swing.
We did rock climbing too. We had so much fun!
Lila Phillips. Year 3
This year Sacred Heart School has 10 children who have submitted their artwork in the exhibition. Make sure you get online from Monday 13th November and check it out.
60th Birthday Celebrations
Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the remaining weeks of Term 4 your child’s classroom teacher will be introducing the 6 Traits of Writing to their students in preparation for 2024. Staff have been undertaking team professional learning activities during this term to improve the instruction of writing at Sacred Heart Corryong. The traits provide a language for describing the qualities that most readers and writers think are important in good writing.
What is the Six Traits Model?
It is an instruction model to support and improve writing performance. The model uses quality literature to support writing instruction.
What is a trait?
A trait is a specific characteristic of successful performance.
The traits of good writing are Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions.
Benefits of the Six Traits Model
1. It gives teachers and students a common language to talk about writing.
2. It breaks down the complex process of writing into manageable chunks.
3. It aligns with standards-based instruction: students define quality and know what the expectations are.
4. It gives teachers a model for responding to student writing.
5. It establishes consistency from year to year and teacher to teacher.
6. It provides a solid foundation for revision and editing.
7. It encourages writers to become more independent; it empowers them to evaluate and assess their own writing.
8. It gives teachers and students valuable feedback about student performance.
9. It challenges students to think of writing in new ways.
10. It provides opportunities to monitor progress over time.
How Can Parents Help?
When reading your child’s writing, look first for what is done well in the writing and offer praise. Use an admiring lens to establish the positive in the written work. Writing is a challenging task. Children need specific encouragement to be successful, the traits give us a common language to talk about writing.
A quick introduction to the traits.
Ideas are the heart of the message. They are the thoughts, the main point, the content, or the main storyline of the piece.
Organization is the framework of the writing piece. Organization is what holds the ideas together to convey meaning. Each writing piece has a beginning, middle, and end—that is organization!
Voice is many things: personal words, ideas, tone, and style. Voice has the power to hold a reader’s attention and make the reading more enjoyable. Voice is used purposefully to en- hance meaning.
Word Choice
In order for the reader to get the idea or point, the writer must choose ―just the right‖ words or phrases to get the message across to the reader.
Sentence Fluency
Sentences make sense, and phrasing and word choice make them easy to read and under- stand. When a piece of writing is easy to read aloud, it has sentence fluency.
Conventions are spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and usage, and paragraphs
Please contact your classroom teacher if you have any questions in regards to this information or on how you can support your child with their learning.
Justine Goonan