GIHS Dance Team

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the remarkable Glen Innes High School Dance Team for their outstanding performances at the Glen Innes Anglican Church Fete.


The dance team's performances were nothing short of spectacular, leaving the audience in awe with their talent, dedication, and grace. Their captivating routines were a testament to their hard work and countless hours of practice, and they brought a touch of magic to the event.


The Glen Innes Anglican Church Fete provided the perfect stage for our talented dancers to shine, and they certainly did. Their commitment to the art of dance and their teamwork were truly inspirational. It was a moment that highlighted the incredible talent within our school and the passion that drives our students.


We want to express our sincere appreciation to the Glen Innes High School Dance Team for their exceptional performances and their representation of our school at this special event. You have made us proud, and your dedication to your craft is truly commendable.

As we continue to support and nurture the talents of our students, we look forward to witnessing more moments of brilliance like this in the future. Congratulations once again to the Glen Innes High School Dance Team!