Leadership's Letter

Learning & Teaching


We find ourselves two weeks into the VCAA Year 12 exam schedule, with two weeks to go. Our young men are facing this most challenging time with characteristic resilience and good humour. They truly are exemplifying our College theme of Excellence, Every day, by Everybody. I take this opportunity to thank you as families, and our magnificent staff for supporting our students. 


At the same time, we hear great reports from our VCE VM students who have started new opportunities in workplaces, apprenticeships, and further study. 


For the rest of the school, our exams occur over the next four weeks, with a rolling timetable. Specific details have been emailed to families, and are available to students on MazCom. 


Exams can be daunting at any age, and we particularly think of our Year 7 students embarking upon their first exams. It is important to note that our exams are designed as a motivation to review the learning of the year, which aids retention, and to trial revision strategies. They are not a measure of a student’s worth, and should instead be seen as a learning experience. 


I encourage you to spend some time with your son looking at the Mazenod Study Skills page on MazCom (https://mazenod.libguides.com/study) and to devise a family study schedule. We have found student in families that implement a ‘devices off study time’ each evening experience greater success and lower anxiety. 


Following exams, every student at Mazenod, with the exception of our departing Year 12s of course, experiences a transition of either one or two weeks. This gives students a chance to meet their new teachers, start their new studies, and get a head start on the maturation required for the next year of study. 

Progress Interviews 

During this time some students who may have found 2023 challenging will also experience a progress interview in which parents are invited to a meeting about their son’s subject choices and study habits. These progress interviews are part of our commitment to make sure every young man is experiencing success on the pathway that is best for his interests and skills. If you are invited to such a meeting, we encourage you to see this as a positive opportunity for growth. 






Dr Matthew Fyfield

Deputy Principal (Learning & Teaching)