Community Notices

Former Staff Association


First gathering of Former Staff at Mazenod College October 27th 2023

The first formal gathering of former staff of the college was finally held(post-covid) in the college staffroom on Friday 27th October. It was great to have so many older and not-so-old former staff attend to a catch-up on college grounds. Representatives of every faculty were present with some having taught over thirty years ago. Welcomed by current Rector, Fr Harry Dyer followed by a light lunch and a brief tour of the college by Tina Giacco, highlighting the many alterations and new buildings added over the past twenty or so years. For some, it was their first return to the college for many years, and the alterations astounded them.


Over 30 attended, all who thoroughly enjoyed seeing former colleagues and mixing with older current staff who joined us.


This was our first formal gathering and we hope to follow up next year with a more formal gathering (evening dinner) with more former staff and their partners at a local venue.

I would ask that you 'spread the word' of our association to former staff you are in contact with, encourage them to use the link below to update their contact details and 'watch this space' for future events.