
Source of Light

I sometimes wonder what happened in the days, weeks and months after Jesus’ birth. I’m guessing the shepherds went back to their sheep, sharing the amazing story of one extraordinary night with each other… and with anyone who would listen.  Mary and Joseph found different accommodation, setting up house for a time in Bethlehem... Largely, life went on as usual. Did Mary and Joseph’s neighbours know ‘anything out of the ordinary’ about the toddler who lived next door?   


Jesus was living amongst his people. Yet… Jesus didn’t come just for ‘his people’. He came for all.


God reached beyond the realms of Israel, drawing people from faraway lands to encounter the Christ child… In this instance, the Creator of the universe, used a star to guide them.  


These ‘wise men’ recognized Jesus as a very special child indeed. They came to worship him, bringing gifts of honour, highly prized among emperors and kings. I wonder what they might have talked about on their long trek back home?


These wise men, who came from far away, had a source of light to follow. They followed the star which guided them to the one who is the light of the world. The one who became the Saviour for all humankind. We, who also live faraway (separated through distance and time) have a different source of light to guide us… the bible! It illuminates our way to Jesus. Jesus, the light of the world, came for all.


The account of the wise men is written in Matthew 2:1-12.


God bless and guide you today!
