Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

First Reconciliation

Last night the students from Year 2 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Congratulations to these students on their respectful, prayerful involvement in the Sacrament!

Vinnies Christmas Appeal

An enormous THANK YOU for supporting the Vinnies Christmas Appeal this year. Your donations have been greatly appreciated !! There is still time to donate ……


The Appeal through  OLF will run from Monday 27th Nov (Week 8) until Friday 8th December (Week 9).   This is only a short two week Appeal!


A reminder…..


We are asking that each grade support the Vinnies Christmas Appeal through the following ways:

Kinder: Baby and toddler items

Years 1 and 2: items for 'young children' ( Ages 4 -8 years old)

Years 3 and 4: Food hamper items

Years 5 and 6: Teenage items e.g toiletries, gift cards etc


Please deliver all items to your child's class Teacher.

OLF and De La Salle Christmas Concert…

The heavens certainly opened last Wednesday on our planned Concert day!!!  So….. let’s pray for fine weather on Monday 11th December!!!


Same times….. Same place!   5.30 pm - 7pm on the De La Salle Oval. 


Year 6 Graduation Mass

On Tuesday 12th December the Year 6 students will celebrate their final years at primary school with their Graduation  Mass. The Mass will take place at 12.00. All are most welcome to attend.

End of Year Mass and Awards Ceremony

Our final School Mass for the year will take place at 9.30am on Thursday 14th December.  We would love to see you all there !



Have a wonderful fortnight. Go slowly amongst the busyness of this time of year !!



Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator