School Events

Parent Calendar  - stay up to date

Parent Calendar

Never miss a thing! Scheduled school events can be found here. 


The calendar at the bottom of your screen is also available to view on your Compass app and the school website


1Fatima Friends @ 9:05am
 Parish Mass - Year 2 @ 9:15am
 Year 5 - School Leadership 2024 Speeches
4Prayer & Liturgy for Jane Thornton (ex-teacher)
5Oz-Tag Year 5 Championship Day
7Student vs Teacher Oz Tag Game
 Second Hand Uniform Market Day - Open All Day 8:45am - 3:15pm (come to the office)
8School Reports go live to Parents
 Year 6 Graduation Dinner - Club Cronulla

Year 6 - End of Year Fun Day

Kinder - Year 5 Disco Day (SPBL Reward Day)

 Re-Scheduled Christmas Concert with De La Salle and OLMC and OLF 5:30-7pm
12Year 6 Graduation Mass - 12pm
14Whole School End of Year Mass 
15Promotions Day - Teachers / Students new classes for 2024
 Student's Last Day Term