News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,


Today some of our Year 5 students presented a speech outlining why they should be considered as one of our School Captains for 2024. They were able to articulate how proud they are of the leadership qualities they possess and are willing to use and share with the OLF school community. We wish them all the best as they prepare to lead our school as student representatives next year. We were very proud of each and every one of them! 


I’d like to thank our current School Captains, Spencer, Finlay, Felicity and Oscar for their leadership throughout the year. They have set an excellent example and been outstanding role models to all of the students. I will miss their loyalty, enthusiasm, their initiative and responsible ways.

Before and After Care Service

From 2024 there will be a new Before and After School Care provider operating out of the Parish hall for the families of OLF.  Details about this provider will be communicated when they are finalised. 


I would like to acknowledge and thank the current provider, the SCEC’s team, for the care they have shown all the students who have used this service over the years. We have had a wonderful working relationship with the SCECS team who have had the safety and wellbeing of the children in their care at the forefront of all that they did. Their professionalism, cooperative ways and their sense of fun have made working with them a pleasure. 


We look forward to working with the new provider that the Parish has engaged. Rest assured, we are committed to a smooth transition and to ensuring the families who use the service are supported during this change.

Jingle All the Way - OLF Christmas Fundraising Raffle

I encourage you to support the school by purchasing some raffle tickets in our OLF Christmas Raffle. The prizes are awesome! The money raised will go towards playground upgrades and equipment for the students. Thank you for your contribution to making OLF a better place!  See this link for tickets:

Staff News

As we work towards finalising staff for 2024 I’d like to inform you that Ms Kathleen Kennedy will not be with us next year. She has accepted a regional position in Broken Hill at Sacred Heart Parish Primary School. Ms Kennedy has been an asset to our community over the last few years and we will miss her commitment, enthusiasm and energy. She is highly respected by her peers and the students and her presence and passion in everything she does is infectious. Our Book Week parades won’t be the same without her! It is a very exciting time for Ms Kennedy and we wish her all the very best in her new adventure as she prepares to meet her new community!


Staffing will be communicated to you all in Week 10 and new staff announced. 


As we wrap up the year let us remember how much we have to celebrate. Mostly, let us remember to be thankful, show gratitude and be patient with each other. 


 Let us Pray:

Almighty God, 

Thank you for the opportunity to care for the world you have made and for the gift we all have to make a difference. We ask that your blessing rests on our community at OLF, that you give us great vision, energy and enthusiasm for our work as parents

and educators as the year comes to an end. 


Please bless the efforts of our hands, the bonds between us and the influence of our work at OLF and beyond. 

Guide us by your Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth. 


We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.







Mrs Sue Clay | Principal