Grade 1
During Reading this fortnight, students in Grade 1 have continued using a mentor text to help develop their reading skills. Students have been exploring new pages in the book each day and using the text and images to help support their comprehension skills. Students have been loving the conversations that have been happening and learning new words that they can add to their vocabulary. The mentor texts chosen have been Persuasive texts to link in with our Writing focus this term. The mentor text we are currently reading is called “The Day the Crayons Quit!” by Drew Daywalt. Grade 1 students have enjoyed exploring and discussing how the main character ‘Duncan’ could solve his problem, in order to keep his crayons happy and be able to paint again.
This fortnight, students have continued working on persuasive writing. Our Grade 1 students have been refining their writing skills when forming an opinion as well as reasons to support their opinion on various topics. We have also revisited the structure used to create a persuasive piece as well as important words which can be used to uplevel writing such as verbs. Students have also been introduced to procedure writing focusing on the list of materials used as well as the overall sequence. Our writers explored this through observing the steps used when making fairy bread!
In Maths, students have continued looking at a range of written and mental strategies to solve subtraction questions. These strategies include using hands-on resources, fact families and split strategy to break numbers into tens and ones.
In Week 6, we started our new unit on Chance. Students have explored the likelihood of outcomes happening using the terms ‘will happen’, ‘might happen’ and ‘won’t happen’. They enjoyed playing the Mystery Bag Game where they recorded the likelihood of different outcomes happening such as "What is the likelihood of choosing a red counter from the mystery bag?".
Upcoming Excursion
Grade 1 students are eagerly awaiting their excursion to Legoland on Friday 1st December. We kindly ask all parents to log into Compass to complete the payment and consent by Monday 20th November. Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions regarding the excursion.
Dance Lessons
This fortnight, the Grade 1 students have commenced dance lessons hosted by ‘Dance N Schools’. Students have been enjoying learning their class’ dance routine for the annual Christmas Concert. It has been great seeing students in all classes participating, as well as trying their best to engage and build their confidence within the program. We are excited for parents and carers to be able to view their dance routines when performed at Grayling’s Christmas concert later this year- you are in for a treat!