Prep Transition Program 'School Starters'

The Prep Transition program, 'School Starters' was very successful. We started with an Information Night about Transition and starting school led by the Prep Teachers and Principal, Jim Hill and Assistant Principal, Carly Epskamp. Then we led five transition lessons followed by our last session which was 'Meet the Teacher' which consisted of the children meeting their 2024 classroom teachers and peers. This was followed by interviews with the parents to find out more about their children. We also hosted parent presentations in the Staff Room led by Jim Hill, Mal our lead parent of the PFG group, Bec our Office Manager and our Level 6 School Captains. We would like to thank our Level 6 team of teachers for taking our current Preps during the Transition sessions with their Level 6 Buddies. It was amazing getting to know the 2024 students and parents during the Transition program. The children are well and truly ready for school. We can't wait to see you all on Tuesday January 30th!