Student Recognition Awards

MCongratulations to the following students who have received a Student Recognition Award!

Prep MHemanfor writing a brilliant Information Report about frilled neck lizards. You wrote interesting clues and created a 5 star drawing to match!
Prep MFarniyafor writing a wonderful information report about crocodiles. You wrote interesting facts about these animals and created a colourful picture.
Prep PParsafor demonstrating resilience by taking part in the Prep Swimming Program. Well done, Parsa!
Prep PKaydenfor showing amazing independence during Prep Swimming, well done being so quick to get changed everyday!
Prep WSiqifor demonstrating an increasing confidence in new and unfamiliar situations and facing most challenges with a positive attitude. Well done Siqi!
Prep WLukefor always following the class/school rules and for being a fantastic role model for your peers Keep it up Luke!
1GZarafor consistently working hard to achieve her very best and using all class time wisely. Well done Zara. Keep aiming high!
1GWillsfor demonstrating great skills in all areas of his learning and achieving an impressive amount work each session. Well done Wills! Keep aiming high! 
1LKaifor his very encouraging and supportive attitude he consistently demonstrates towards his peers. Keep up the great work Kai!
1LRayefor her hard work and dedication to her learning this year. Raye has shown fantastic growth in all areas of the curriculum and should be very proud of her efforts. Well done Raye!
1SJacobfor having outstanding improvements in your writing this term. Well done Superstar! 
1SEthanfor writing an interesting narrative, ensuring you had edited and check your work thoroughly. Well done!
2MDamienfor using creative thinking in Maths to find the length of objects. Well done, Damien!
2MMelodyfor persistence with her persuasive writing. Well done, Melody!
2QMaxfor his amazing problem solving skills. Keep up the great work Max!
2QFahamfor working hard to improve his recount writing. Well done Faham!
2SYaseenfor being a kind and caring friend. Well done, Yaseen.
2SRachelfor being a kind and caring friend. Well done, Rachel.
3BTszfor being so helpful around the classroom. Tsz regularly cleans up and helps others without being asked. Thank you for all of your help Tsz!
3BJackfor independently calculating the perimeter and area of a rectangle. I was impressed by how Jack was able to apply this new skill. 
3GIvannafor the wonderful way you have settled into D.P.S. and 3G. You have been a polite, respectful and motivated learner, great work Ivanna!
3GLukefor your helpfulness and kindness to everyone in 3G. You are always willing to help keep our class tidy, help others with tasks, interpret for classmates and make sure others are happy.
3QChrisCongratulations, Chris, on stepping out of your comfort zone and teaching other students an amazing paper trick. I also want to commend you on successfully conquering a challenging spelling word. Your determination to improve is truly admirable. Keep up the great work!
3QQuincyCongratulations, Quincy, for being such a supportive and caring friend to others. I truly admire how you have taken it upon yourself to help others improve their behaviour and always strive to achieve your best. Keep up the amazing work!
3QRobertCongratulations, Robert, for challenging yourself during reading groups to improve your comprehension skills. It is truly an amazing achievement, and it shows your determination to succeed. Keep up the great work!
4KOliviafor consistently aiming high and trying her best to achieve her personal best in every task. Olivia always takes on feedback and gives it her best go. Well done Olivia!
4KErinfor not giving up and giving the swimming program her best go! She was persistent and courageous in giving each and every activity her best. It was great to so you have so much fun!
4SAvafor her enthusiastic attitude towards all areas of school and the significant growth she has made in many subject areas. Keep up the great work!
4SEthanfor being a critical and creative thinker in class, who works well with others to solve new challenges. Well done!
4WBCindyfor your amazing contributions to 4WB’s Geometric City. You designed some wonderful 3D objects!
4WBAdrianfor your effort at Level 4 Swimming. Good work on persisting with the lessons and improving your technique!
5CHarryfor trying his best and focusing in Maths. Well done Harry!
5CYukfFor trying his best and focusing in Maths. Well done Yuk!
5EChristopherfor always showing great organisation and taking responsibility for your own learning. You have shown great development this year. Well done! 
5ECalebfor being persistent in your maths task this week and trying your hardest. You should be very proud of yourself. Well done! 

for challenging herself to speak more in class and to answer questions in English.

Well done!

5KDoeyoonfor his excellent results in our recent PAT testing. Doeyoon continues to extend himself and always aims high!
6CWeilinfor working well during the Mathematics  lessons and completing the tasks.
6CHowardfor trying his best and focusing in Maths. Well done Howard!
6JIsaacfor listening attentively during our BTN sessions. I have enjoyed hearing your insightful answers.
6JRyderfor improved detail in our five minute writing. I enjoy reading your ideas and stories. 
6MWeimingfor making good choices within the classroom, well done Weiming!
6MElleinfor being a great supportive friend to others. Well done Ellein!

Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student Recognition Award in a Specialist class!

ArtRaye 1Lfor exhibiting a consistently responsible approach to art activities that she has experienced this term. Well done, Raye!
ArtHarper 1Lfor always striving to complete her best work in class and always being the most helpful student when it comes to packing up. Thank you, Harper!
ArtLyon 4Kfor his positive attitude and the consistent effort that he has put into all classroom activities. Well done, Lyon!
ArtMary 3Qfor her positive, enthusiastic and mature approach to all set tasks. Mary puts 100% into all her work. Well done, Mary! 
ArtCohen 5Cfor always trying his best. Cohen is a quiet, independent learner who co-operates beautifully with others. Well done, Cohen!
ArtFrank 5Cfor his excellent work ethic. Frank always tries his best and takes great pride in the presentation of his work. Well done Frank!
Cultural StudiesLeena 1Lfor sharing with the class about her cultural celebration Ramadan. You did a great job Leena and I will miss you in Cultural Studies!
Cultural StudiesCooper 2Qfor always being an attentive and interested listener and contributor during Cultural Studies lessons! Excellent work, Cooper!
Cultural StudiesJayden 2Mfor an increased effort in contributing to discussions during Cultural Studies this term. I love hearing your ideas, Jayden.
Cultural StudiesKaya 3Qfor being an interested and respectful student in Cultural Studies classes at all times. I love hearing your thoughts and ideas Kaya! 
Cultural StudiesMiya PWfor always putting your hand up to answer questions during Cultural Studies, and doing your best during work time. Well done Miya! 
Cultural StudiesAvina PMfor showing a wonderful understanding of everything we are learning in Cultural Studies. You listen well, and complete great work. Well done Avina!
LOTELeila 4Sfor willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Leila!
LOTEDaniel 4WBfor being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Daniel!
LOTEElijah 5Efor willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Elijah!
LOTEValencia 5Kfor approaching her work with a positive attitude and continues to make good progress. Well done Valencia!
LOTEChristian 6Mfor approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you, Christian.
LOTECyreentra 6Cfor developing good Chinese oral skills and responds well during class discussions. Well done Cyreentra!
Performing ArtsYusra PWFor your fantastic singing and practising for our Christmas Carols concert. Well done for shining bright and sharing your enthusiasm! 
Performing ArtsJospeh 1Sfor sharing your wonderful knowledge about musical genres and instruments. Well done! 
Performing ArtsJasper 2Mfor your enthusiastic participation in our music lesson! Your song choices, singing and dance moves are really great! 
Performing ArtsTeleah 3Qfor your wonderful participation in our music lessons! You can always be counted on to show enthusiasm and focus! Well done. 
Performing ArtsAlisha 4WBfor your wonderful participation in our music lessons! You can always be counted on to show enthusiasm and focus! Well done. 
Performing ArtsNoah 5Efor your wonderful participation in our music lessons! You can always be counted on to show enthusiasm and focus! Well done. 
ScienceBlake PMfor his help taking care of the science class pets, Blake has been a great help in make sure our pets are well fed, well done Blake!
ScienceIvy 2Qfor always listening and helping out during science, Ivy is reliable and always looking to help others!
ScienceLeila 4Sfor her polite attitude and contribution to our science discussions. Leila always makes great connections from her life to what we learn is science, amazing job!
ScienceBonnie 3Qfor making fantastic improvements during during science and showing your understanding of new concepts during our PAT tests, amazing job!
ScienceSuzy 5Efor always joining class discussion and showing an inquisitive attitude when experimenting with new concepts, awesome job!
ScienceElla 6Jfor always putting in her best efforts during science, working diligently and showing pride in her presentations!