Principal's Report

Mr Jim Hill










We recently celebrated an amazing graduation ceremony. There was a lot of excitement and anticipation leading up to the night. It was a great occasion celebrating our Year 6 students with lots of awards to recognise excellence. These occasions are a celebration but there is also a hint of sadness as we bid these students farewell, I know, as I said in my speech, I always find these nights so emotional because we spend so much time with these kids. We get to know them so well and they look to us for guidance and support everyday, so saying goodbye brings sadness too.


CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who were recipients of awards for 2023;


Maths  Award         Aaron Cui


English Award      Chara Sklavenitis 


Axios Award       Arsham Hamedani


Wellbeing Awards       Be Safe- Rinah Choi         


Be respectful         Jude Dabab        


Be your best          Hugo Monk


Menzies Award        Ella Andersson



I would like to express our thanks and acknowledge to Alisha Spiteri and Sarah Quinn, who will be leaving us at the end of the year. Both Alisha and Sarah have been at DPS as Prep teachers until this year when Alisha went into Grade one and Sarah to Grade 3. I thank them for their valuable contributions during their time with us and wish them well in their new schools.


On another note, Larissa Vesdrevanis has secured a substantive principal position. We extend our thanks to her for her many years of service at DPS, as she will be greatly missed. Larissa really came through the ranks at DPS starting as a classroom assistant then a teacher, Leading teacher, Assistant Principal and finally Acting Principal in my absence. She has secured a substantive Principal position and I am certain she will do great things as she leads her own school. They are lucky to have her and she will be missed by us all at DPS.


While speaking of staffing, I extend a warm welcome to some new staff members who will be joining us in, Joy Lau (Level 3), Mei Sng (Level 1), Rida Su (Mandarin) and Grant Wachter (Level 4). As our numbers are growing we have added an extra Grade 4 and 6 class for 2024. This will allow us to have smaller classes thereby offering more individual attention for all students.  In 2024 we will also increase EAL (English as an Additional Language) support with two full time teachers providing support for those students who need extra tuition in English language.

Out Tutoring Program also will continue which is run by Jayne Hill with some outstanding results this year. Specialist programs for 2024 are Library/Cultural Studies P-6, Physical Education P-6, LOTE/Mandarin P-6, Science P-6, Performing Arts P-6 and Visual Arts P-6. We also have two teachers dedicated to supporting English as an Additional Language.  


Our Leadership Team for 2024 are as follows;

Principal Jim Hill

Assistant Principal Carly Epskamp

Leading Teacher Niky Corfios

Literacy Learning Specialist Julia Bay

Numeracy Learning Specialist Junior School Brent Granger

Numeracy Learning Specialist Senior School Kelly Soccio 

Wellbeing Coordinator Andrew Johnson


Level leaders 2024

Prep Diane Meilak

Grade 1 Brent Granger

Grade 2 Hannah Stagoll

Grade 3 Julia Bay

Grade 4 Kelly Soccio

Grade 5 Vanessa keen

Grade 6 Niky Corfios

Specialist Leader Martin Spinks


Specialist Teachers

Physical Education Martin Spinks

Art Marika Quinonero

Mandarin Radi Su

Library/Cultural Studies Lisa Foster

Performing Arts Gaz Dutlow


EAL Alex Xenitopoulos and Christine Boskovska



As we approach the end of year I would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank our Hope Mentors, Barbara, Judy, Lyndal, Jessie, and John. These wonderful people have supported our students throughout the year. Their dedication and commitment enrich the education of our students and they have played a significant role in promoting a positive environment at DPS.


We had a wonderful Carols night, and we are grateful to all those who attended and contributed to the celebration. It was so exciting to announce our Captains for 2024. That said, it was an extremely difficult process because we literally had so many students worthy of selection. The process took some weeks to decide on who would ultimately be elected to lead students in 2024. Unfortunately, some outstanding students weren’t elected and they have to accept the decision but it was so difficult. 


Congtratulations to our 2024 Captains;

Chloe Ji

Hayley Ip

Vivaan Arora

Elijah Wong


I would like to express my appreciation to everyone who donated gifts for the Royal Children's Hospital charity. Our junior school council organised this little, yet important event and they will ensure the delivery of these gifts to children in the hospital it done before Christmas for the kids who spend Christmas in hospital. This will certainly bring some cheer to their lives.


In closing my final report for the year I would like to say that I am so pleased to be back at DPS after my time away. I must acknowledged this school's amazing community, consisting of dedicated staff and outstanding students and supportive parents —a perfect recipe for a first-class education. So it’s no surprise our students do so well.

It has been a terrific and very successful year, with too many events and activities to list but they have all contributed to our students' learning and personal growth. These opportunities are meticulously planned and organized by our hardworking staff, who often go above and beyond their regular duties.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and I hope you to enjoy a well-deserved break. 

Thank you for your support, and as always please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I am here to assist you, and please remember DPS is YOUR school and together we are better!


From all of us here at DPS I wish you a safe and happy Christmas. We look forward to seeing everyone back in 2024.



Jim Hill
