Great Victorian Bike Ride

The Great Vic Bike Ride was an experience that I won't forget, it was good but the weather definitely wasn’t, when me and my friend woke up our whole tent was like a pond. I liked the experience overall because during my time at the bike ride, I met many encouraging people and made friends from other schools. One thing that ruined my trip was the fact I got sunburnt badly which was when I finished my bike riding and arrived at Lakes Entrance. By Adele
The Great Victorian Bike Ride was one in a lifetime experience for me and my fellow riders. We spent so much time together, and made memories that we will never forget. We had fun from watching movies to riding in groups. Of course, the one that actually organised this wonderful event, Mr Spinks has made all of this possible and he has been really helpful to all of us and we could not thank him enough. We all created this bond spending these few days together. So, I'd like to also thank all of these people.
By Ellein 6M
The great vic bike ride was a splendid ride, we got to go on a 300 km ride that means 300km of wonderful views of Victoria . We learned about how to set up our tent and enjoyed some challenging rides with my friends. Overall it was a great experience to ride on this splendid bike ride with my friends and teachers. By Jin
The great vic bike ride served many various food during eating times such as vegan, special and normal in case you had a special diet. The first day was roughly 54k although it was mainly up hills and the second was like 64k or somewhat not. The second day in particularly was a huge difference in change against the first day as the uphills started to descend dramatically against the first day. The third day was a bit more complex than the second day because the amount of up hills were around the same as well as me and Qihao nearly got lost on the streets. (No cap) The fourth day was when we had formed groups such as group 1, 2, 3 and four. The fifth day was a disaster; there was a thunderstorm as well as the sub zero weather, which made everything worse so we were restricted to go riding. By Weiming 6M
“It has been very fun doing the Great Vic Bike ride with my friends, and will be a highlight in year 6. The food was not that good, but the potato and gravy with lamb was top notch. The bike route extended from 54Km to 84km. The first day was the hardest day of them all, it was only 54Km but it was all uphill! The second day has a huge difference from the first day; it was technically all flat which was nice. The third day was to my surprise to be calming. However, it was very hard to manoeuvre because the signs was super confusing. The fourth day was when we were in groups and I was split with Weiming, Weilin and Lee (Johnas dad) the last day under 18s’ cannot ride because of the rain it was 20mm!”. By Qihao 6M