Level Five Radio Awareness for Kids

On Tuesday, the Level Five students were lucky enough to take part in a radio awareness program run by John. John has worked in radio for many years and taught the children all about radio programming, microphone technique and how to engage an audience with just audio.
In our Theme unit for Term Four, students have been looking at how products are developed, and have created a prototype for their own product design. They were able to incorporate an ad for their product in their radio show along with the sports reports, news, and other segments.
Vritti - I liked speaking on the microphone on front of the whole class!
Artin - I really enjoyed writing the scripts and being recorded!
Anali - I would like to do it again tomorrow!!!
Zoey - It all felt really professional and unreal! Like we were in a recording studio!
Logan – I liked it a lot and I think it will be fun to do it again next year!!!
Ezekiel – I really loved how we could make our own scripts for our ads!