End of Year Wrap Up
End of Year Wrap Up
Some more fantastic DPS Authors have added their books to the school library!
Congratulations to : Cooper (2S), Suzy and Elena (5E) and Benita and Cassie (5E).
I am SO proud of all the amazing books that DPS students have written and illustrated over this year. I can't wait to add some more next year! Maybe it could be a school holiday goal?
Remember ANYONE can submit a book and at ANYTIME. Just make sure it is in a 'Publishing ready' state - Neatly typed or handwritten, no mistakes and colour illustrations. No need to staple it into a book as I will need to cover it before this happens.
Thank you Level 5 Library Monitors!!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my amazing Level 5 Library monitors who have helped me throughout this year. Each Monday to Wednesday they collect the (often VERY heavy) library baskets from the Junior grades I am teaching that day. They are also always keen to help out with sorting and organising the library. You guys are awesome! :)
Thank you Library Parent Helpers!
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my parent helpers this year. Thank you to Linda, Jyotsna, Stephanie, Erin, Monica and Fazeela for helping me with scanning returns, re-shelving books and cleaning the library twice a week! Your help is invaluable and I literally would not be able to run my lessons and the library without your help!
Also, a huge thank you to all the parent volunteers who helped me cover books throughout the year!
If you think that you would be keen to help in the library next year, please keep an eye out for my 'recruitment' compass post next year, I would love your help!
***All library books are now overdue - Please check to see if your child has been given an overdue slip and return all books ASAP. If you cannot find them please let me know so I can log them as Lost and buy new copies if needed.
Merry Christmas!
Lisa Foster
Library and Cultural Studies specialist