Principal's Report 

Issue No 35 -  15 November 2023

Term 4 - Week 7

With the end of the year fast approaching, there is a lot happening right across the school. Please make a note in your diary/calendar of the upcoming dates.


Week 7

  • Wednesday, 15th November 
    • Sacrament of Reconciliation, 6:30pm
  • Thursday, 16th November 
    • Prep & Grade 6 Buddy Mass, 9am
    • Life Relationships Parent/Child Information session, 6pm
  • Friday, 17th November
    • P-2 Tabloid Sports morning
    • Assembly, 3pm

Week 8

  • Monday, 20th November
    • Assembly, 9am
  • Tuesday, 21st November
    • 2024 Prep transition morning
    • Coffee Morning, 9:15-10:30am
  • Thursday, 23rd November
    • Gr 3/4 Mass 9am
    • School Concert - The Shed, St Francis of the Fields Strathfieldsaye, 6:15pm arrival
  • Friday, 24th November
    • Pupil Free day (staff report writing)

P-2 Tabloid Sports

This Friday the students in Grades P-2 will participate in a Tabloid Sports morning. Details can be found on the PAM permission form.


The students are welcome to wear their House Colours for the day. They are very excited and have been doing lots of practice during their sports sessions.


Upcoming Unit Masses

Thursday, 16th November sees the Preps and Grade 6s celebrate Mass together. All are welcome to attend the Mass in the Church at 9am.


Next Thursday, 23rd November, the Grade 3 & 4 children will celebrate Mass at 9am.


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Congratulations to the students, who tonight will celebrate and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Life Relationship Parent & Student Information Session

There is a Parent and Child Information session on Thursday, 16th November beginning at 6pm in the Multi Purpose Room. Information has been sent to families of children in Grade 5 and 6.


Arrival, Departure and Child Safety


A reminder about St Kilian’s Arrival, Departure and Child Safety responsibilities as parents, carers and as a school community.


As parents and carers, it’s our responsibility to reduce the risk and make sure the children are safe during drop off and pick up times. We know our students learn more about road safety from watching their older peers and adults model the safest behaviours. 


All children deserve to get to and from school safely.

Getting children to school safely is everyone’s job

Think before you park, drive, drop off and pick up.


Be courteous and aware.

Follow signs, road rules and parking signs. They are there to keep our children safe.

Be extra careful and patient around schools. 

Use the school crossing. It is the safest place for children to cross the road.

Slow down and be alert! Children can be unpredictable. 

Remain careful, especially during the busy morning and afternoon school times.


Drop off and Pick up

Parents, please ensure that your children do not arrive at school before 8:30am and that you pick them up between 3:30pm and 3:50pm. If this is difficult the YMCA provides a wonderful ‘Before and After School Care Program’ where the children are supervised, fed and provided with fun activities. Information can be obtained from the school website or a form can be picked up from the office. 

Hours of the program are below:

Before school care program: 7am - 9am 

After school care program: 3:30pm - 6pm 


School Assembly

A reminder to our parents that our next assembly is this Friday 17th November, beginning at 3pm with 3RM presenting during this assembly. 


Transition 2024 Preps

The 2024 Preps will begin their transition sessions next week on Tuesday 21st November and the following Tuesday 28th November.


While these sessions are on, parents and carers are invited to attend a coffee and chat session in the Hall. Elisha, owner and barista from Percy and Percy will be in attendance providing coffee. All existing families are also welcome to attend to welcome our new families. If you are able to attend and assist with the coffee morning please email The Transition sessions run from 9:15am to 10:30am.


This is a great opportunity for new parents to ask questions of current families and get to know others.


School Concert

Our school concert is fast approaching, with only one week to go! Mrs Bourke has had the students practising at every opportunity. We are all looking forward to showing our talents next week. 


Details are as follows

Concert Performance - Thursday, 23rd November

Venue - St Francis of the Fields Shed, Strathfieldsaye

Performance details

  • students to arrive at 6:15pm for 6:30pm start
  • Juniors (P-2) perform 6:30pm for approx 20 to 25 minutes
  • Short intermission - juniors can stay with families to watch the next performance or go home
  • Seniors (Gr 3-6) perform approx. 7pm to 8pm

Pupil free day

Please note Friday 24th November will be a Pupil free day for Report Writing.


Start of 2024

School commences for students on Tuesday 30th January.


Camp dates for 2024 *Correction from last week’s dates* 

To assist parents with their calendars in 2024, the camp dates for next year are as follows:

• Grade 4 Camp (Pioneer Settlement, Swan Hill): 9 May - 10 May

• Grade 5 Camp (Campaspe Downs, Kyneton): 18 September - 20 September

• Grade 6 Camp (Canberra): 12 March - 15 March


God Bless 

Sharee Whiteacre 

Acting Principal