VET Start Dates for 2024
Students will have received information from their training provider regarding the start dates and times for 2024.
The information will have been given to them in their orientation session and sent via email or postal mail.
Year 9 Micro Credentials Week
Once again, we held a successful Micro Credentials Week for Year 9 students.
Students were engaged in hand on learning relating to a variety of trades and created planter boxes that will be used by the school. Completion of a First Aid Certificate will enable students to be of assistance to their peers in the event on any medical incidents.
Furthermore, a visit to Deakin University may have sparked interest in future career paths for our students. Students also visited the accommodation available to students, if they are studying at Deakin.
Community Bank Scholarships Wandin-Seville
The Wandin Seville Community Bank - Bendigo Bank is offering two scholarships for students studying at University or TAFE in 2024.
For more information and selection criteria check the Bendigo Bank website OR contact the Branch Manager, Jackie Butler on 5964 4595.
Applications are made online and are open now.
2024 Work Experience at Parliament House
This is a unique opportunity to undertake a one-week placement in either a Parliamentary Sitting or Parliamentary Services program.
To participate, you must be 15 years or older at the time of placement AND be a Victorian resident studying at a Victorian secondary school.
Key Dates
Expressions of interest for Terms 1 & 2, 2024 will close at 5:00 pm on Friday 12 January.
Interested students will be notified of the outcome of their expression of interest no later than Friday 2 February, 2024
Tim Kogelman and Kristy Mays