Chromebook Program
The Lilydale High School Chromebook program is separated into two phases:
Phase 1 Year 7 to 9 Chromebook Pgm
Phase 2 Year 10 to 12 Chrome/Notebook Pgm
Purchasing a new device in Year 7 and then again in Year 10 ensures students have a reliable and up-to-date device to support their learning.
Students NOT returning to LHS in 2024
Please advise Lisa Polkinghorne in the Main Office at the START of Term 1, 2024 (Office opens 29 January) if your child IS NOT returning to Lilydale High School next year.
An EXIT FORM will be required to be completed and returned to the school.
Please note, before a student is allowed to leave school, they must satisfactorily complete Year 10 and until the age of 17, they must be in some form of full-time training or employment. These are government requirements.
Students under the age of 17 wishing to undertake these options MUST provide proof of placement in the course or letter of offer from the employer.
Any students wishing to leave before these requirements are met, MUST put in a request for exemption to the Regional Director in consultation with Lilydale High School.
ALL students leaving school before the end of Year 12 are required to fill in an exemption from school application form and complete a Careers appointment.
2024 Year 11 Uniform
As of 2024, all Year 11 students will be required to wear the NEW navy VCE shirt (supplied by Lowes). This will replace the existing VCE blue polo.
The current VCE blue windcheater (below) will be UNAVAILABLE as a uniform item for this cohort of students.
The blue V-neck jumper and/or blue LHS softshell jacket are uniform items that CAN BE WORN.
The change of uniform items for next year is part of the school’s new uniform transition which began back in 2020.
Stuart Young
Assistant Principal
2024 Parent Payments
Lilydale High School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of Lilydale High School’s voluntary financial contributions for 2024.
If families experience financial difficulty there are a range of support options available. Please refer to the attached letter.
We also offer instalment plans, please call the school on 9735 5644 if you would like to explore this option.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The CSEF annual payment ($225) is paid directly the school and will be allocated by the school towards camps, sports and/or excursion costs for your child.
Eligibility Date
For concession card holders, CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on 29 January 2024 and/or 15 April 2024.
The CSEF program for 2024 closes at the end of Term 2, 2024.
2024 Booklists
Booklists for all year levels are available on the school website homepage OR the link below from Lilydale Books.
2023 Salamander
The school Salamander can be purchased from the School Office for $25.00
Are YOUR Contact Details Correct?
Please check that your mobile number, email and residential address are correct on the Compass Parent Portal. We would like to make sure our records are fully up-to-date for the start of 2024.
School Facebook Page
To keep up to date with NEWS and EVENTS at Lilydale High School, please follow the Lilydale High School 'OFFICIAL' Facebook page.