Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week

Bell Music Competition

The annual music competition is back in full swing.  Each week our Music Maestro, Angela, has been producing a compilation of songs with a commone theme.  Students can then write down their guesses and put them in the box.  Each Monday morning assembly the winner is announced. Congratulations to Amahlie in Year 5 for guessing last week's theme, which was Food!



Thursday Lunchtime Dance Off

In conjunction with our Bell Music Competition, on Thurdays when our music starts to signal the end of lunch break, students are welcomed to join in a dance off in our undercover area.  Two music minions are tasked with picking 2 students from each class for their outstanding dance moves, who can then pick a prize from the prize bucket.  Thank you to Angela for arranging this fun activity.


This weeks minions, Charlie and Ferdi
This weeks minions, Charlie and Ferdi