Positive Climate for Learning

What a year… it has been fantastic to see the number of students increasing their Auslan vocabulary and being able to communicate at a basic level in Auslan as another language. Now and then, Auslan teachers have witnessed students using Auslan to communicate through a window! It’s also great to see the three school values of Commitment, Collaboration and Care being reflected.
So far in prep classes, students have had the opportunity to learn signs for colours, family, animals, school areas and classroom items. Prep classes have demonstrated commitment to this challenge by recognising letters, colours and the expression of basic signs associated with Fruit and Vegetable vocabulary without any difficulty. At the moment, we are going through classroom items and it has been terrific to watch students using Auslan to express things seen around the classroom.
Years 1 and 2
Students in Years 1 and 2 have been continuing to learn about fairy tales along with developing their vocabulary. They are currently focussing on describing size, colours and how to translate into Auslan, for example a face expression – ‘Goldilocks and the 3 Bears’ and rather than explaining the ‘father bear’, this is being done through body/facial expression. This tells us the father bear (by representing the father) is angry while saying “someone has been eating my porridge”. You will find in the photos that students are exchanging information in Auslan demonstrating their commitment and collaboration
Years 3 and 4
Students with their peers are developing skills in Auslan conversation. Students have participated in activities learning the signs for Australia, signs for each state, capital, transport and social courtesies such as turn taking and asking questions. It’s great to see them carrying on their focus on learning to comprehend and produce Auslan signs and signing familiar items. We will continue developing students’ understanding of the importance of facial expressions and correct handshapes and location of signs. This aligns well with the ACS values of collaboration and care.
Years 5 and 6
In Years 5 and 6, the students are exercising choice through work on the “Activating Prior Knowledge Choice Board” with each box containing activities worth between 5 to 2 points. Students need to choose and complete one task with the aim of reaching 25 points in total. Students have demonstrated commitment and collaboration by working together as a team. They then store their work on Seesaw. You can check this out and see the students actively participating using Auslan.
Have a great and safe holiday.
From the Auslan team
Andrew, Cara and Janelle