Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
PA | Flynn O | For being positive and encouraging during collaborative activities. Well done on being such a kind and helpful member of Prep A. Keep up the great work! |
PB | Kit I | For consistently striving to demonstrate the Wembley value of Respect, and going above and beyond to care for our classroom environment. Kit, you are being a great role model to your peers! What a star, well done! |
PC | Maeve H | For the incredible writing you completed about all of the things you are grateful for. Maeve, your writing contributed to Prep C's Acknowledgement of Country in a thoughtful and respectful way and I am immensely proud of the hard work you've been putting into your writing! |
PD | James K | For the terrific motivation and determination that he showed in our Maths counting scrolls lesson. It was so incredible to see you get all the way to nearly 200! Keep up the wonderful work, James! |
PE | ||
1A | Kaspar S | For his amazing theatrical Fascinating Facts presentations. You always engage your audiences in a fun and engaging way. I love seeing your personality and confidence shine through. Keep up the great work, Kaspar! |
1B | Aidan M | For always giving his best effort in the classroom and at the swimming pool! Aidan’s persistent approach to his education sets a great example for his peers. Well done to Aidan ‘The Magic Man’ Marotti! |
1C | Jay L | For demonstrating our Wembley value of resilience in our swimming lessons this week. Jay, I have loved watching your confidence grow each time you try something new in the water. Keep it up! |
1D | Margot C | For her fantastic effort and behaviour at swimming this week. Margot, you are a 1D superstar! |
2A | Will C | For his excellent efforts when writing his procedural text. Will, you created a wonderful piece of writing on ‘How to Play Soccer’ and followed the structure beautifully! Keep up the amazing work! |
2B | Ivy T | For a wonderful procedural text! Congratulations and amazing work on your text, it was amazing! Keep up the great work! |
2C | Lewis Y | For his incredible efforts with writing a procedural text! Lewis, you’ve been an absolute rockstar in the classroom, keep up your amazing work buddy. |
2D | Bella M | For demonstrating a wonderful attitude towards learning and school. Bella, you always show respect and kindness towards others, and make excellent choices. You should be proud of yourself, well done superstar! |
3A | Liam T | For your continued care and kindness towards others. Liam, you are always looking out for your friends, they are lucky to have you! And for your contributions during class discussions and collaborative work, you always manage to stay on task and support your peers to do the same. I’ve loved watching you gain your confidence in class this week! |
3B | Angus M | For showing your best effort during writing and maths this week. Angus, you have put so much effort into all areas of your learning this week, made fantastic learning choices and contributed positively to our classroom. Well done on a great week! |
3C | Tommy V | Tommy, well done on your increased efforts in ensuring you are focused and attentive during learning time. You have done a great job on displaying and upkeeping our Wembley Values. Keep up the fantastic work! |
3D | Joanna T | For positively contributing to classroom discussions and confidently adding your point of view. Keep up the fantastic work and your new found confidence! |
4A | ||
4B | Carter T | For working very hard to be the best version of himself. Congratulations Carter, on your focus to improve yourself personally and academically. The effort you are putting into everything is really noticeable and it really is paying off. You should be so proud of yourself! Keep up the amazing work! |
4C | Lilian B | For consistently bringing your best self into our classroom. Lilian, not only do you always put your learning before all, but you show empathy and respect to others and are willing to give others grace and a second chance. We are very proud of you, you are a shining star. |
4D | Jade F | For always trying your very best and leading by example. You always put so much effort into your work and the results are amazing! I'm also very proud of how you continue to be a leader in 4D by showing respectful listening and treating others with kindness. Awesome stuff, Jade! |
5A | Jude P | For maintaining consistently high standards and a positive attitude when approaching learning in all areas. Writing, Maths, Reading… You always give 100% effort and complete great work. Keep it up! |
5B | Marley M | For your creativity and effort in designing a board game in Maths. Keep up the amazing work Marley! |
5C | Josh E | For working hard to improve your writing. You have listened to feedback and have used it to lift the standard of your writing. Well done Josh! |
5/6A | Oliver R | For taking responsibility for his own learning, by continually seeking feedback from his teachers and working hard to apply it. Well done Ollie! |
6A | Arabella W | For your excellent work ethic that you have displayed and maintained for the entirety of the year. Arabella, you have been extending yourself in all subject areas this year, and have maintained a high level of commitment to your learning. You have set yourself up perfectly for highschool. Well done! |
6B | Lola C | For your excellent presentation as one of our Sustainability captains this week. You spoke confidently, and discussed your project with pride. Thank you for being such a pleasure to work with across the year, Lola! |
6C | Steph D | For continuing to challenge herself and rapidly achieving her learning goals. Steph, your patience and resilience when tackling new challenges is outstanding. Keep it up legend! |
PA | Ameera R | For always wanting to learn new skills and try new things. Your positive attitude towards learning makes us all want to do our best. Thanks for being a great role model, Ameera! |
PB | Quinn H | For your committed effort to adopt our school values. You have gone above and beyond to learn each new value focus. The maturity you bring towards taking care of yourself and others is admirable. Well done, Quinn! |
PC | Manny C | For the amazing determination shown doing our counting lessons. Manny, you were creating two digit numbers with confidence! All while bundling groups of ten. Well done superstar! |
PD | Moussa E | For independently blending together sounds to read CVC words, and for learning to read a number of ‘heart’ words with confidence. Well done, Moussa! We are all so proud of you! |
PE | Frances A | For your focused efforts to find the good things in each day. You have worked well to identify and embrace the positive things in school life, sharing this positivity with myself and your peers. Well done and keep up the great attitude! |
1A | Violet T | For her fantastic efforts in swimming over the last two weeks. It’s so lovely seeing how confident you are in the water and the joy on your face during each lesson. You have done a fantastic job of modeling the Wembley school values inside and outside of the water. Keep up the great efforts, Violet! |
1B | Sophie P | For being the most wonderful swimmer and kind hearted student in the world! Sophie is a pleasure to teach and makes our class shine, go Soph! |
1C | Eden D | For her fantastic efforts in swimming over the last fortnight. It has been so wonderful watching your confidence grow and your demonstration of our Wembley values whilst we have been at the pool. Keep it up superstar! |
1D | Mia F | Mia, you always put in 100% effort in everything you do. Your effort in the classroom as well as your display of our Wembley Values makes you a 1D superstar! |
2A | Hannah H | For being such a kind and thoughtful friend. Hannah, you have supported and shown such generosity to others and embodied the Wembley values of inclusion and respect. What a superstar! |
2B | Avaya T | For an incredible effort during our swimming program! Congratulations Avaya! You have consistently demonstrated the Wembley values during our swimming program and I am so proud of you! Well done and keep up the amazing work! |
2C | Owen D | For always putting in an outstanding effort with his work and supporting his peers. Owen, you’ve been incredibly hardworking, kind and considerate all year long. You should be very proud of yourself! |
2D | Chloe R | For consistently demonstrating excellent manners and respect. Chloe, you work hard at all you do and your love for learning is fantastic to see. The class appreciates your kindness, well done! |
3A | Claire L | Without a doubt you are a 3A superstar. You deserve this SLAA for always being kind, supportive and hard working. Claire, all you year you’ve demonstrated your love and passion for learning. This includes always putting in your best effort no matter what. So proud of you, Claire! |
3B | Sadie D | For always showing your best effort and showing maturity and thoughtfulness when approaching difficult situations. Sadie, you have worked really hard with your writing and math this week and worked through your emotions by thinking about the bigger picture. Well done! |
3C | Alexis E | Alexis, you have done such an amazing job over the past few weeks in completing everything you do with 100% effort. You should be so proud with all that you have achieved and all that you continue to do! Keep up the fantastic work Alexis!! |
3D | Ava A | For consistently showing the Wembley Values and being a fantastic role model to your peers.You continue to work hard towards your learning goals and you should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the great work Ava! |
4A | Ella W | For the consistent effort, persistence and resilience that you demonstrate everyday. You worked so hard on your Family Tree presentation and are an absolute superstar! Well done Ella! |
4B | Grace M | For working so hard during our maths unit on time. I'm so very proud that you can now easily read an analogue clock. Congratulations, Grace! |
4C | Milana F | For the high expectations that you set yourself for your learning and the resilience that you consistently demonstrate to achieve those expectations. The amount of effort that you have put into revising and editing your writing over the last few weeks has transformed your pieces and allowed you to showcase your fantastic writing talents. Keep up the great work Milana! |
4D | Amos H | For having such an amazing attitude towards your learning. You always try your best and keep trying even when learning is tough. I'm so proud of you for showing such a positive mindset in class this year. Congratulations on your second SLAA award this year. Autobots, roll out! |
5A | Milla N | For maintaining incredibly high standards in terms of your dedication and commitment to completing your homework. Milla, your homework is done really well each and every week. Awesome stuff! |
5B | Marcus P | For your fantastic focus and effort with your learning this week. Keep up the amazing work Marcus. We are very proud of you! |
5C | Max G | For demonstrating high levels of reading comprehension. Your ability to infer meaning at deep levels has been impressive to see. Congratulations Max! |
5/6A | Bailey P | For showing a determined mindset and striving to complete all tasks to the best of his ability. Bailey demonstrated great resilience when completing his work on Shapes using the program SketchUp. Well done! |
6A | James M | For your great improvement in overall effort this term. James, you have been working really hard both at school and at home recently, and it has allowed you to become more confident in your own abilities. The independence you are building will assist you heavily as you transition into high school. Well done! |
6B | Audrey K | For taking initiative and showing organisation in your captaincy roles over the last few weeks. Audrey, you have gone above and beyond to keep your important projects on track. Keep up the great work! |
6C | Isla M | For consistently displaying her best efforts and rapidly achieving her learning goals. Isla, your efforts as a learner are tenacious! Keep it up legend! |
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.