
Lindsey Delooze - Acting Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion

Melanie Irons - Acting Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing

Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Kelly Edwards - School Counsellor

Week 9

It has been a busy couple of weeks, with more events happening as we head towards the end of term. With the Summer holidays looming this is a time to celebrate how far everyone has come this year. We are so proud of all our wonderful students. 


The Wellbeing Team are still working hard to ensure that all students feel fully supported through the transition towards holidays, and the move into the next year group. Remember to reach out to your child's current class teacher in the first instance if you require any support or advice. Class teachers will then direct you towards the right member of the team for support. 

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

Current Whole School Behaviour Focus - Take care of equipment

This week we have introduced our next behaviour focus: ‘Take care of equipment' as part of our focus on the value of respect. Keep a look out for our posters around school showing everyone how to take care of equipment. 


A number of Wembley students have helped contribute to a video which has been shared with all students to model some of the different ways we can take care of equipment. 



Previous Whole School Behaviour Focus - Take care of ourselves and others

Over the previous two weeks, students have been learning about the behaviour of 'taking care of ourselves and others' as part of our value of respect. Many students were nominated to receive a Wembley Values Award for their great examples of taking care of themselves and others.

Wembley Values Award Winners

Thank you to all the students who nominated their peers when they saw them showing our behaviour focus of 'taking care of ourselves and others' . Congratulations to each of the students, listed below, who won the Wembley Values Award. 

Respect: Taking care of ourselves and others

Prep           Henry PFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others by always taking care of your friends in the yard by playing with them. 
Year 1  Ruby DFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others when you looked after your friend when some other people ran away from them and they were hurt. 
Year 2Ryan RFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others. Your friend was upset that they had been called different and you took care of them and said, “It's ok to be different.”
Year 3Isabella MFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others. You looked after your friend when they were scared because there was a bee on them and you helped keep your friend calm while the teacher safely moved the bee away
Year 4Miles GFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others. You take care of yourself all the time, particularly in PE. You take the time to sit and have some time out to help you feel better when you are upset.
Year 5Adella CFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others. You are always taking care of others, even when you don’t realise it. This week, a prep was hurt and without a thought you went straight over to take care of them.
Year 6Claire EFor showing our value of respect by taking care of yourself and others. You are always fair, kind and you care about your friends and others. You always check in with people and ask them if they are ok, hurt, sad or lonely. 

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club will continue to run Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the eating area 8.30 - 8.55am during Week 10 and 11. The final service of the year will be on Thursday 14th December. 


Thank you to all students and adults who have helped out - we could not run without the wonderful support you all provide. 


Wellbeing Dogs

Ginny has been able to see a few extra people over the last couple of weeks, which she has been really enjoying. We will continue to get Ginny out to as many people as possible whilst still caring for her needs in school. What a super star she is!