Principal's Address

Newsletter Article – Term 4 Week 6

The end of another schooling journey - Year 12 Formal

The Year 12 students of Boorowa Central School celebrated a memorable milestone this past Saturday night with their Year 12 Formal. The event, held at the Boorowa ex-services club, was a thoroughly enjoyable evening that marked the end of their high school journey. It was a night that included speeches from Year Advisor Miss Claire Johnson who highlighted some memorable moments about each student, the outgoing School Captains Stephanie and Imogen who took the time to apologise to their junior secondary teachers for not always having the best attitude toward their learning and myself. I took the opportunity to share some life experiences in the hope that they can learn from my mistakes, just like I did.

The Year 12 students were awarded their final academic awards as a part of their portfolio’s and congratulations to Stephanie who received the Academic Award for achieving the highest results in Year 12. The official dux of Year 12 will be the student who receives the highest Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). This is based on the students individual school assessment marks combined with their HSC examination marks. I look forward to hearing these ATAR’s in about a month’s time.

I wish the students the best of luck in their life’s pursuits after school and know that our school, their parents and the wider community have collectively done their best to ensure our next generation of young adults are equipped with the skills to succeed in the changing world before them.

All the best Year 12 of 2023. 


The Compass App for parents

The Compass app continues to play a pivotal role in streamlining communication between parents and schools. The app not only simplifies the logistics of school life but also strengthens the connection between parents and the educational community. 

By law, children between the ages of 6 and 17 are expected to attend school everyday. However, at times they are unwell or have medical appointments that they must attend during school hours. In these cases, the Compass App can be used to explain their absence from school. It takes a few seconds to select the App, navigate to attendance notes and to submit the absence. This is far quicker than finding the time to ring the school or write a note the following day and can be done outside of school hours at a time that is convenient to you.

Another feature of the Compass App is the calendar. Parents can view upcoming school events so that they can manage their busy schedules around school activities that they wish to attend. An example of this would be the annual K-12 Presentation Night on 7 December when we hope to have the opportunity to reveal the newly refurbished Library before the evening begins.

In the future, the school will be moving toward digital permission notes for excursions and payments within the App so it is a good time now to get familiar with it.

To access the Compass App, first download it from your device’s app store. Then, contact the school for your unique username and password.