Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

This week, we farewelled Luke Pickering in Year 11. Luke heralds from Mildura and has spent three years boarding at College. He has a clear passion for agriculture and cannot wait to undertake his apprenticeship back home. 


Luke contributed to the Boarding House in many ways; he was always helpful to the younger boarders and implicitly led them with strong values. In particular, Luke was unwavering in his kindness, compassion and gratitude. He started our Boarding House Pool competition, and we look forward to continuing this for the years to come. Luke made the most of boarding at College, and if he weren’t playing football with the Kangaroos on the weekend, then he would be working at his Hamilton Farm Supplies casual job.  


His kindness ran true when a fellow boarder from Mildura arrived this year. Angus Rowe was lucky enough to be handed over the reigns from Luke and has already started working each week, earning some handy pocket money. We wish you all the best in your confident future as a diesel mechanic, Luke, which we know will be successful.

                                                       Angus Rowe and Luke Pickering


A final farewell to the Ly brothers

This is a story of resilience, respect and dedication. Yong An Ly and Yong Soeung Ly have boarded at College for three years, respectively. Yong An graduated in 2022 and is currently studying Computer Engineering at Monash University, which Yong Soeung graduated this year and will begin a double degree at Monash University specialising in Engineering. 

When the Ly brothers began their journey at College, they soon had to deal with the challenge of COVID. They returned home to Cambodia, however, continued with their education, often logging on at 5 am to begin their schooling. After almost a year, they were able to return to College and re-engage in their face-to-face lessons. Not only have the Ly brothers had to overcome significant adversity but they have found it in themselves to stay the course and dedicate their energy and focus to their education.


They reflect upon their time at College with fondness. They have made some very close friends and in 2024, they will join Dominic Wong in a shared house where I am sure they will be enjoying Dom’s fine culinary skills!


Yong Soeung and Yong An have had some special College community members help them on their journey.  I would like to thank Neil MacLean for his dedication and support for Yong Soeung and Yong An. In extension, I greatly thank the Solum Family who have frequently looked after the Ly boys during homestays, weekends and for dinners. Their kindness and compassion are truly inspiring and reflect the College values. Thank you, Erica, Chris and Eva (Year 2).


As I farewelled the boys this week at Tullamarine, their gratitude for our school was palpable. I wish the boys all the very best for their future and look forward to their return some day in the future to re-tell their story of resilience, respect and dedication. 

Christmas Dinner

With only a week to go for 2023, our Christmas came a little early for the boarders. Josh and his incredible catering team put on a wonderful Christmas dinner for boarders and staff. A Christmas carol theme quiz was run during the evening with boarders showcasing their natural competitiveness. It was so good to see our new boarders here for Step-Up enjoying the evening.

Kris Kringle was organised by our Boarding Captains, Bella and Charlie, along with a few court games and free time. Overall, it was a great way to bring in the festive season.





Past Boarding Captain in the Starlight

Houseparent, Lise Lowe went to visit past Boarding Captain, Grady Lynch on the stage of Her Majesty's Theatre last weekend. Grady was Speirs House Captain in 2013 and he is currently performing in the musical, Miss Saigon, in Melbourne. Lise said the performance was incredible!!! A huge congratulations to Grady and we wish you all the very best as you continue your journey in the musical performance.





Important dates:

  • Wednesday 6 December is our last day of Term Four with a 3:30 finish. Our Naracoorte bus will depart Hamilton as approximately 4pm. Our Boarding House will close at 7pm.
  • Sunday 28 January open for Year 12 boarders at 2pm to set up their rooms before they depart for their Retreat from the Senior School.
  • Tuesday 30 January Boarding House hosts the Boarders Family Afternoon Tea at 3pm for all families to meet staff and our boarding community.