Middle Years

 - Mr Ben Hawthorne

Stepping-up into new classes

This week we have embarked upon the Year 8 and 9 Step-Up programs, with the Middle Years students starting the 2024 academic year in their new classes. In the allocation of the 2024 classes, our primary goal was to create an optimal learning environment for all students. The class allocation process was conducted with careful consideration of various factors to ensure the best possible conditions for academic and personal growth.


Together with the Middle Years teachers, Mentors, and Heads of House we considered each student's academic performance, learning needs, and social dynamics when allocating the classes. We believe that this thoughtful and thorough approach will contribute to a positive and supportive atmosphere within each class, facilitating effective teaching and learning for all our Middle Years students. 


In recognising the individuality of each student and the diverse nature of the learning experience, we understand that change can be both hard and challenging. Transitioning to a new class may evoke a range of emotions, and we want to assure students that these feelings are completely normal. Change often requires adaptation and patience as students acclimate to new classrooms, routines, teachers, and peers. 


It's important to acknowledge that challenges are inherent in any period of change. These challenges can manifest in various ways, such as adjusting to different teaching styles, forming new friendships, or adapting to a more advanced curriculum. While these adjustments may initially be demanding, they also provide valuable opportunities for personal and academic growth and set our students up for success in their senior years at the College. 


AS we near the end of the academic year, it has been wonderful to see the growth and development of our Middle Years students. I wish everyone a safe and relaxing break over the summer holidays. 


2024 is set to be an exciting year!