Junior Campus

- Mr Stephen Nelson


Our 2023 Junior School Speech Day will be held at 10.00 am tomorrow, in the Simons Auditorium at the Senior Campus.  As this is a formal occasion, prep to year 6 students are asked to dress accordingly.  Boys will wear shorts, a shirt and a tie with a blazer.  Girls will wear their summer dresses and blazers. All students will take to the stage and perform in a range of choirs. There will also be several performances from talented individuals and string groups. I look forward to seeing parents and grandparents at this celebration of the year we have had.


Next Wednesday, the Junior School Semester Two Reports will be released to parents on PAM (Parental Access Module).  A courtesy hard copy will be sent home with students.  I urge families to make some time to read through these reports before the commencement of the summer holidays.  They provide a thorough summative assessment of students’ academic and personal growth.


This will be the final time we report in this format.  Next year, the Junior School will move to a continuous reporting model.  


Over the last few weeks, we have had several instances of parents taking it upon themselves to contact other junior school parents directly regarding social issues between students.  I understand that there may be instances where parents need to reach out to other parents outside of school hours for various reasons, sports organisations, social functions, P&F events, etc.  While we encourage and appreciate open and positive communication among parents, we also want to ensure that student social interactions and issues occurring during school time are not communicated from parent to parent.  This information is often second-hand, unsubstantiated and only contains one side of the situation.  It does not resolve conflict and can be very stressful for the contacted parents.  


Junior School class teachers should be the first port of call if there are issues between students and then the Head of Junior School.  We actively promote an ‘open door’ policy across the Junior Campus and encourage all parents to contact the school if they have any concerns. 


It is hard to believe we have arrived at the final week of 2023.  Our final three days next week look like this:


Monday 4 December

  • Class Party Day and Prep ‘Big day Out’ to Halls Gap


Tuesday 5 December

  • Our Chamber Singers will be performing at the College Christmas Service at St Andrew’s Church at 7.00pm.  Students attending must be in uniform (with blazers). Parents of the Chamber Singers are invited to attend.

Wednesday 6 December

  • Old Fashioned Sports on the Myrniong oval at 9.30 am.  This is a wonderful whole school event, where students from Prep to Year 11 join for some good old-fashioned games and House rivalry.
  • Year 6 Parents/Teachers v Year 6 Students Tee Ball match - 1.15 pm on the Myrniong Oval.
  • Farewell Assembly for Year 6 and departing students/families.

Class teachers have communicated arrangements for individual class Kris Kringle.

Uniting Church Christmas Food Hamper Appeal

Thank you to the Myrniong learning community for their generous donations to the Uniting Church Christmas Hamper Food Appeal.  Heather and Neil MacLean collected a huge number of items on Tuesday afternoon.


A message from Heather MacLean.


“We couldn’t do what we do without the support of Myrniong.  The food collected will make up hampers for those who come to Tuesday meals.  These people are usually single and living on the fringes.  Christmas may be a lonely time for them, and they certainly won’t eat as well as we do, but the hampers will at least be the makings of a meal.  Many thanks to the Junior School community.”



All Early Learning Centre and Junior School families are invited to walk in the St Mary’s Street Parade tomorrow evening at 5.35 pm.  The theme is ‘Christmas’, and we would love to see a great Myrniong turn-out. The meeting point is at the corner of Gray and Kennedy Streets. 

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