Deputy Principal, Wellbeing

 - Miss Kristen Waldron

Celebrating the Final Week of School - A Week to Remember!


As we approach the much-anticipated holiday break, we can't help but reflect on the incredible journey we've had throughout the year. Our students, families, and dedicated staff have made this a truly special community, thank you for working in partnership with us.


We are excited to wrap up the year with a bang:


1. New Beginnings: Our Year 8-12 students have seamlessly transitioned into their new classes and connected with their new teachers. It's heartwarming to witness the camaraderie and enthusiasm as they embark on this exciting chapter of their academic journey.


2. Christmas Service: Join us on Tuesday night at 7pm for the highlight of the year - our Christmas Service. It's a beautiful evening where our school community comes together to celebrate the joy of the season. Mr. Hiscock and our talented students have been hard at work preparing for a memorable event.


3. Old Fashioned Sports Carnival: Wednesday morning promises a nostalgic trip down memory lane with our Old Fashioned Sports Carnival on Myrniyong Oval at 9:45 am. Witness students from ELC to Year 12 engaging in a variety of classic sports activities - hopping, skipping, egg and spoon races, and navigating obstacle courses. It's a testament to the unique traditions that make our school stand out. Parents are welcome to come along to experience the fun.


4. House Jelly Eating: Following the Old Fashioned Sports carnival, our senior campus will regroup for the House Jelly Eating competition. This quirky event is a testament to the fun and lively spirit that defines our school. 


5. Farewell and Acknowledgment: As we bid goodbye to 2023, we'll gather for house lunches and a special assembly. This is an opportunity to bid farewell to our departing staff members and acknowledge the incredible achievements and contributions of the entire school community throughout the year.

We understand that everyone is looking forward to a well-earned break, but let's make the most of our final week together. It's a time for joy, reflection, and creating lasting memories.